Unit 26 Insomnia

Unit 26 Insomnia


Nowadays more and more people suffer from insomnia because of the pressures of life. To survive in a highly competitive society like ours, people often have a heavy workload. Quite a few people cannot go to sleep because they are worried about being unable to finish their work on schedule. Business executives may toss and turn all night because of some financial problems. Some students cannot get a wink of sleep because they are concerned about their examination results. In a word, a lot of people fall victim to insomnia because of these and other concerns.

Whatever the cause, the best way to deal with insomnia is, of course, to go see a doctor, especially when your case is a serious one. But, if it is a mild case, you can do something about it. For instance, you may take a leisurely walk or drink a hot cup of milk before going to bed. Either way, it may help you relax and get a sound sleep. Don’t just rely on sleeping pills. Your insomnia may get worse once you become a habitual user.

