Unit 23 How I came to like Taiwanese food

Unit 23 How I came to like Taiwanese food


I began to like Taiwanese food about two weeks ago. When I came from the U.S.A to Taiwan as an exchange student three months ago, I was very curious about Taiwanese food. But I always had Western food for my meals in despite of my curiosity. After a while, I became increasingly interested in the way Taiwanese food is cooked. So, recently when Peter, a classmate of mine, invited me to eat at his house, I was only too glad to go. He prepared a lot of food to eat. Amy, his girlfriend, used a special kind of sauce to cook meat and seafood, which really made them taste delicious. I especially liked the “stinky tofu” she cooked. Even the bamboo shoots with mayonnaise were tasty when served as a cold dish. Although I was not very good at using chopsticks, I still ate with relish. We kept eating and drinking until late at night. When I got home, I went to bed on a full stomach. Since that night, I have found every Taiwanese dish irresistible.

