2-11-P112 Really, Doctor

2-11-P112 Really, Doctor


2-11-112-0-1 I'm really worried about your heart. Really, Doctor? Should I stop eating rich desserts? 

2-11-112-0-2 Mr. Jones! You must stop eating rich desserts! If you don't, you're going to have serious problems with your heart some day.

2-11-112-1-1 I'm really worried about your knees. Really, Doctor? Should I stop jogging? 

2-11-112-1-2 Mr. Jones! You must stop jogging! If you don't, you're going to have serious problems with your knees some day.

2-11-112-2-1 I'm really worried about your back. Really, Doctor? Should I stop doing exercises? 

2-11-112-2-2 Ms. Jones! You must stop doing exercises! If you don't, you're going to have serious problems with your back some day.

2-11-112-3-1 I'm really worried about your stomach. Really, Doctor? Should I stop eating spicy foods? 

2-11-112-3-2 Mr. Jones! You must stop eating spicy foods! If you don't, you're going to have serious problems with your stomach some day.

2-11-112-4-1 I'm really worried about your blood pressure. Really, Doctor? Should I take life a little easier? 

2-11-112-4-2 Mr. Jones! You must take life a little easier! If you don't, you're going to have serious problems with your blood pressure some day.

2-11-112-5-1 I'm really worried about your hearing. Really, Doctor? Should I stop listening to loud rock music? 

2-11-112-5-2 Ms. Jones! You must stop listening to loud rock music! If you don't, you're going to have serious problems with your hearing some day.

