【LilyY英语170920】美文·今天,我会...Today I will..

【LilyY英语170920】美文·今天,我会...Today I will..



Today I will...

Today I will do something like laugh.

Go see a touching movie with a lonely friend.

Call a friend, even though it has been five months or longer since they've called me.

Smile at one who appears discouraged.

Avoid waiting to be asked to help but take the initiative.

Open the door for the person behind me.

Do a household task my mother generally would do.

Go to a senior citizen's home and chat with someone there (if I live long enough, I will one day anxiously anticipate a kind listening ear).

Tactfully interrupt a co-worker who starts gossiping and change the subject.

Refuse to allow miserable and negative people to affect my thinking.

Tell a family member or friend that I love them when I'm finished reading this.

Today I will...


