


Toyota suspended Japan factory operations on March 1st, losing around 13,000 cars of output, after a supplier of plastic parts and electronic components was hit by a suspected cyber attack. The incident hinders Toyota’s efforts to return to full production following factory halts in January and February because of chip shortages and COVID-related disruptions. The disruptions prompted Toyota to cut its output goal for the fiscal year to 8.5 million vehicles from a previous target of 9 million.

①Toyota suspended Japan factory operations on March 1st, losing around 13,000 cars of output, after a supplier of plastic parts and electronic components was hit by a suspected cyber attack.

1. suspend v. 暂停,中止
suspension n. 暂停,中止

There's been a temporary suspension of flights.

2. operation n. 运营,操作;手术
大手术 major operation
小手术 minor operation

3. output n. 产量
the annual output of steel 钢的年产量

4. supplier n. 供应商
supply v. 供应

5. electronic components 电子元件

electronic adj. 电子的
electronic equipment 电子设备
electronic commerce 电子商务

component n. 元件,部件,组成部分
He saw a pile of computer components on the dining room table.

6. be hit by 被……袭击

7. suspected adj. 可能的;有犯罪嫌疑的
suspected drug dealers 贩毒嫌疑犯
suspected terrorists  恐怖分子嫌疑人

suspect n. 被怀疑的人,犯罪嫌疑人([ˈsʌspekt])
suspect v. 怀疑,认为……有嫌疑([səˈspekt])

8. cyber attack 网络攻击

cyber adj. 与网络有关的
cyber crime 网络犯罪
cyber security 网络安全

②The incident hinders Toyota’s efforts to return to full production following factory halts in January and February because of chip shortages and COVID-related disruptions.

1. hinder v. 阻碍,妨碍

The brace I have to wear is hindering my movements.  

2. halt n./v. 停止,中断

Strikes have led to a halt in production.
The peace agreement has halted the civil war.

3. COVID 新冠肺炎(corona virus disease)

4. disruption n. 扰乱,中断
disrupt v. 扰乱,中断

If you don't turn your phone off before a play, it might ring and disrupt the actors and the audience.

③The disruptions prompted Toyota to cut its output goal for the fiscal year to 8.5 million vehicles from a previous target of 9 million.

1. prompt v. 导致,促使

The stress on the work prompted him to lose some weight. 

2. output goal 产量目标
goal n. 目标(target)

3. fiscal year 财年

fiscal adj. 财政的
fiscal revenue 财政收入
fiscal policy 财政政策

4. previous target 此前的目标
previous adj. 之前的,先前的
previously adv. 之前,先前

  • Vagrant_Dream


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  • 听友374529407

    英语何健说 回复 @听友374529407:

  • 山有木兮_心恋君兮

    打卡 完成✅

    英语何健说 回复 @山有木兮_心恋君兮:

  • 菲菲星光


  • 时而保之

    打卡 这几节难度真是陡高了。只能虐虐自己,希望尽快适应了

    英语何健说 回复 @时而保之: 哈 过两节课没准又好了小时 有几节确实很难,我们当时团队备课也备了好久

  • 神行者2024


  • 默默想你已经是习惯
