第1409期:Exams? 'Lucky pants' day

第1409期:Exams? 'Lucky pants' day


Exam day - what do you do? I take a ring my grandfather gave me to the exam. 考试日——你做什么?我拿了一枚祖父给我的考试戒指。
It's a reminder of his affection and gives me a sense of security and calms my nerves. 这是对他的爱的提醒,给了我安全感,让我的神经平静下来。
My brother makes a fuss about wearing his green underwear.我哥哥对穿他的绿色内衣大惊小怪。
He's not alone in placing his hopes in a garment. 他并不是唯一一个将希望寄托在服装上的人。
One in three students admitted to wearing 'good luck underwear' to try to boost exam chances, according to a poll for pen makers, Bic.根据对钢笔制造商 Bic 的一项民意调查,三分之一的学生承认穿着“好运内衣”以试图提高考试机会。
The same poll suggested that 60% of students change their diet before a test in the hope that it can increase their brain power and memory – oily fish and fruit and vegetables are at the top of the list. 同一项民意调查显示,60% 的学生在考试前改变饮食,希望这可以提高他们的脑力和记忆力——油腻的鱼、水果和蔬菜位居榜首。
This is good as long as you don't stuff your face with junk food all year long and decide to go healthy just for the exam.这很好,只要你不整年都用垃圾食品塞满你的脸,并决定为了考试而保持健康。
Making the extra effort to succeed is good but if you haven't put in the hours of study, nothing will help you. 为成功付出额外的努力是好的,但如果你没有花时间学习,没有什么能帮助你。
Patrick Wilson, former teacher and founder of a private tuition firm, says: "The best way to feel truly confident and help beat that stomach-churning exam angst is to prepare for each exam in advance, making sure you have a dedicated structure for your revision schedule."帕特里克·威尔逊(Patrick Wilson)是一家私人补习公司的前任教师和创始人,他说:“让你真正感到自信并帮助战胜令人反胃的考试焦虑的最好方法是提前准备每场考试,确保你有一个专门的结构来为你的修订时间表。”
Wilson helped to create a guide for avoiding the last-minute jitters. 威尔逊帮助创建了避免最后一刻紧张的指南。
It advises the revision timetable to start up to ten weeks before the exam, dividing learning into chunks. 它建议复习时间表在考试前十周开始,将学习分成几块。
Don't overload yourself. Students should also give themselves regular rewards and breaks during revision. 不要让自己超负荷。学生还应该在复习期间给自己定期奖励和休息。
People learn things in different ways and this should be taken into account. I learn better by reading things out loud. 人们以不同的方式学习事物,应该考虑到这一点。通过大声朗读,我学得更好。
Some colleagues believe colour-coordinating notes according to subject can produce good results too.一些同事认为,根据主题进行颜色协调的笔记也可以产生良好的效果。
But there's a consensus against spending the night before the exam studying. 但大家一致认为,考试前一晚不去学习。
If you don't get enough sleep, not even good luck underwear will help you pass the test.如果你没有得到足够的睡眠,即使是好运内衣也无法帮助你通过考试。


to calm my nerves 镇定我紧张的神经
to make a fuss 大惊小怪,大做文章
to boost 提升
brain power 脑力,智力
memory 记忆力
to stuff your face 胡吃海塞
stomach-churning 令人反胃的
angst 焦虑,担心
revision 复习
jitters (考试前的)焦虑,紧张
overload 使超载,超负担太重
rewards 小奖励
colour-coordinating (根据不同课程)色彩协调的课堂笔记
consensus 共识,一致

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