


China's Ministry of Public Security has decided to launch a special operation to crack down on the abduction and trafficking of women and children starting from March to the end of the year. Special efforts will be made to identify woman and child vagrants and beggars, as well as those who are mentally challenged or have verbal and hearing disabilities with unknown origins. A reporting system will also be established to mobilize all of society to expose and report instances of suspected human trafficking.

①China's Ministry of Public Security has decided to launch a special operation to crack down on the abduction and trafficking of women and children starting from March to the end of the year.

1. China's Ministry of Public Security 中国公安部

ministry n. 政府部门
Ministry of Defense 国防部
Ministry of Finance 财政部
Ministry of Education 教育部

2. launch an operation 发起、开展一项行动

operation n. 行动,活动
rescue operation 拯救行动
operation against drug suppliers 打击毒贩的行动

operation n. 运转运行,操作
factory operations 工厂的运转生产
smooth operation of the vehicle 顺畅地驾驶汽车

operation n. 手术
an emergency operation 一次紧急手术

3. crack down on sth 打击,制裁
crack down on crime 打击犯罪
crack down on illegal Internet cafes 打击非法经营的网吧

4. abduction n. 诱拐,绑架
abduct v. 诱拐,绑架

5. trafficking n. 非法交易
traffic v. 非法买卖 n. 交通的

②Special efforts will be made to identify woman and child vagrants and beggars, as well as those who are mentally challenged or have verbal and hearing disabilities with unknown origins. 

1. special efforts will be made to  工作重点会放在……

2. identify v. 识别,查明(to recognize the identity of someone)
identity n. 身份

3. vagrant n. 流浪者

4. beggar n. 乞讨者

5. mentally challenged 有精神疾病的

mental adj. 与精神有关的
mental health 心理健康
mental illness 精神疾病

challenged adj. 伤残的,有障碍的
physically challenged athletes 身体上有残疾的运动员

6. disability n. 残疾,缺陷,障碍

7. verbal adj. 口头上的(spoken)
verbal warning 口头警告
verbal agreement 口头协议

8. with/of unknown origins 原因不明,来历不明

unknown adj. 未知的
origin n. 起源,起因;出身,血统

The truck is of unknown origins.

③A reporting system will also be established to mobilize all of society to expose and report instances of suspected human trafficking. 

1. a reporting system 举报机制

2. mobilize v. 发动,动员
mobilize resources 调动资源
mobilize troops 动员部队

3. expose v. 揭发,揭露;暴露

be exposed to sth 被暴露于……
Being exposed to radiation is dangerous.

4. instance n. 案件,事件(case);例子
for instance/example 举个例子

  • 时而保之


    英语何健说 回复 @时而保之: vag是一个词根表示“动”哈,有个词叫vagabond就是 homeless people

  • 菲菲星光

    老师unknow 是发l#ʌnˈnoʊr#音,为什么我一直听着是l#ənˈnoʊr#

  • 神行者2024

    abduction,trafficking,traffic非法交易,Defense,operation行动,rescue operation,vehicle,crack down on sth,Internet cafes,vagrant,beggar,mentally challenged,special efforts will be made to

    英语何健说 回复 @神行者2024:

  • 爱念旧的盖茨比


    英语何健说 回复 @爱念旧的盖茨比:

  • 默默想你已经是习惯


  • Cherry1315


    英语何健说 回复 @Cherry1315: 单词一般要重复六七遍以上才能记住。在我们课程上学习的单词,可以选择重复听,去加深记忆。平时一方面既要拿着词汇书背单词,也要做各种阅读,或者接触英语,从各个角度去想办法重复词汇。

  • 亮亮读英语


    英语何健说 回复 @亮亮读英语: 棒棒

  • Unravel_70


  • 菲菲星光
