


Say Sorry with an Apomogy

Liam: I made Arthur mad.

Olivia: Maybe you can send him an "Apomogy." Here, let me show you. First, circle the yarn around four fingers on one of your hands.

Liam: OK, what's next?

Olivia: Cut the yarn and pull the bundle of yarn off your fingers. Tie a new piece of yarn around the bundle. Cut the bundle's loops to make the pom-pom shape.

Liam: That's so easy!

Olivia: Next, it's time to say sorry. Keep it simple and to the point.

Liam: I only wrote two sentences. Is that enough?

Olivia: Yes,that's fine. Now, glue your note on a stick, put it on the pom-pom, and give it to Arthur.

1. mad adj.生氣的

Lauren got mad when Mike forgot her birthday.

2. send v. 寄送


Aaron sent me a postcard when he was traveling in Japan.

3. tie v. 綁


Tie your shoes before you leave.

4.note n. 紙條;便條

Sherry left her mon a note on the refrigerator.

circle v. 環繞

The plane circled the airport but couldn't land because the weather was terrible.

pull...off 把...脫掉;把...拔下來

Max pulled the socks off his feet before he went to bed.

to the point 切中要點;簡明扼要

The news was short and to the point.

bundle n. 捆;束

loop n. 圈;環

pom-pom n. 彩球

