


嘉宾:Henry 精品美语发音技术指导+课堂实战


金牌连读(一)今日要领:Vowel to Consonant (元音+辅音)连读。



What am I saying? (Warm up)

So we’re going to play a game. I’m going to say something very slowly, syllable by syllable. You guys can say it with me. And I want you to listen and try to figure out what I’m saying.

1. wi lef dɪ dæ də res trɑn

2. teɪ kə lə kæ dæn diz web sɑɪt

So what do you think? What am I saying? =\

The Golden Rules

[Golden Rule #1] Every syllable begins with a consonant

[Golden Rule #2] Maintain the correct number of syllables.

The 5 kinds of Linking Techniques

A. Vowel to Consonant

1. It’s a big animal!

2. I’ve been asking for a week

3. He’s in a bigger office on the top floor.

B. Geminates

1. Same: It takes two to tango.

2. Similar: I made Tim do it.

C. Omission

1. T dropping: What? / I wasn’t sent here as a punishment

2. D dropping:

3. H Silencing: He’s in his office

D. Transformation

1. Don’t you

2. Didn’t you

3. Want to

4. Going to

5. Got to

E. Insertion (Watch video online)

1. Idea

2. Situation

Today’s Focus

A. Vowel to Consonant: If a syllable or a word begins with a vowel, then it needs to link to the consonant in front of it. We do this because of Golden Rule #1.

1. …come on in… e.g. When I saw him at the door, I told him to come on in.

2. …get out of… e.g. I have to get out of the house.

3. …middle of (sth)… e.g. He called me in the middle of the night

4. …end of… e.g. At the end of the day, nothing really matters.

5. …as a… e.g. As a teacher, I should have more patience.

6. …in a… e.g. We’ll leave in a minute.

7. …on a… e.g. I left on a plane to Beijing.

8. …at a… e.g. We left it at a restaurant.

9. …of a… e.g. It’s hard to understand the mind of a student.

10. …take a look at (sth)… e.g. Take a look at Andy’s website.



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  • 听友24664504


    阎希月 回复 @听友24664504: 主播下面的声音简介里有文案

  • 听友12452254


    晚柠英文原版书阅读 回复 @听友null: 我也觉得

  • 听友45008315


  • LockLock

    take a look at andy's website

  • 野蛮生长Lyc


  • 82413124

    take a look at andy's website we left it at a restaurant

  • Sylvia_zzz

  • Charlieo


  • 七彩炫光炸弹球


  • Sylvia_zzz