1. 精讲-3种常见的思维陷阱,你中招了吗?

1. 精讲-3种常见的思维陷阱,你中招了吗?


 1. 3种常见的思维陷阱,你中招了吗?

How to Recognize andAvoid Common Thinking Traps


The mind likes to worry,criticize, complain, doubt, regret, downplay, and generally bring us back downto earth. It sometimes even goes too far and keeps us mired in muddy, unhelpfulswamps. But how can I gain better awareness of the tricks my thoughts play, andhow do I get out of unhelpful thinking traps for better mental health and moresuccessful living?

Thinking trap1: Black-and-white thinking

"I bombed this presentationbecause I messed up the order of two important slides."

We're very good at makingcontrasts and comparisons.No wonder we often draw all-or-nothing lines thatput our situation in the “awful” box while others seem to be in the “awesome”box.But is there really no middle ground, no room for mistakes, between aperfect presentation and a “ totally bombed” one?

Thefirst tip for healthier thinking is to allow natural nuance. The goal isn’t toconvince yourself that you like a situation you don’t like. Rather, it’s toacknowledge that there are gray areas and caveats. The more of those you see,the clearer the picture will be.

Thinkingtrap 2: Jumping to conclusions

"Shedidn’t answer my text, so she must be mad at me."

Forbetter or worse, our brains are faster than the speed of sound, always racingahead on the fabric of time-space to see what might lie ahead. Sometimes thisis very helpful! But sometimes, this eagerness to think ahead lands us introuble.

Ifyou feel yourself feeling nervous or discouraged about an upcoming situation,ask yourself if your thought is based on facts that have already happened? Oris it based on what you fear might happen? It’s helpful to remember that, atthe very least, what you fear is not yet true. There’s no need to spend timewrestling with this thought right now.

Thinkingtrap 3: Mental filter

"Mypartner is always leaving dirty clothes on the floor. She's hopeless!"

Inaddition to being lightning fast, our brains are also naturally good defenselawyers. Without even knowing it, we often stake out a claim and automaticallystart searching for evidence to back it up. But we have a harder time noticingor remembering evidence to the contrary.

Nexttime you feel stuck or despairing about something, see if you’re looking at thesituation with blinders on. Put on an independent investigator’s hat instead ofa defense lawyer’s, and let yourself explore the evidence.

The way to a healthy mentalexperience is not to control our thoughts. The truth is, our thoughts are notalways positive, and they shouldn’t be. To help us navigate the world and makesound decisions, we need a variety of thoughts, not just positive ones.





1.   文中提到哪些避免思维陷阱的方式?

2.   “回到现实,脚踏实地”可以怎么说?

3.   “nuance”是什么意思?


How to Recognize and Avoid Common Thinking Traps


The mind likes to worry, criticize,complain, doubt, regret, downplay, and generally bring us back downto earth. It sometimes even goes too far and keeps us mired in muddy,unhelpful swamps. But how can I gain better awareness of the tricks mythoughts play, and how do I get out of unhelpful thinking traps for better mentalhealth and more successful living?


criticize/ˈkrɪtɪˌsaɪz/v. 批判

关联词:critical /ˈkrɪtɪkəl/ adj. 批判的,关键的

拓展:critical thinking 批判式思维

downplay /ˈdaʊnˌpleɪ/v. 对……轻描淡写,轻视,贬低

downto earth 回到现实,脚踏实地

mire /maɪə/ v. 陷入困境

拓展:keep sb. mired in sth. 使某人陷入到...中

muddy /ˈmʌdɪ/adj. 泥泞的,混乱的

swamp /swɒmp/ n. 沼泽,湿地

mentalhealth 精神健康

Thinking trap1: Black-and-white thinking


"I bombed thispresentation because I messed up the order of two important slides."


bomb /bɒm/v. 轰炸,(考试、演出等)惨败

mess up 使混乱,使陷入困境,搞砸,搞乱                        

slide /slaɪd/n. 幻灯片;v. 滑动

We're very good at makingcontrasts and comparisons.No wonder we often draw all-or-nothing linesthat put our situation in the “awful” box while others seem to be in the“awesome” box.But is there really no middle ground, no roomfor mistakes, between a perfect presentation and a “ totally bombed” one?


nowonder 难怪,怪不得

all-or-nothing adj. 孤注一掷的,要么全有要么全无的

awful /ˈɔːfʊl/adj. 可怕的,极坏的

awesome /ˈɔːsəm/adj. 棒极了的,令人敬畏的

middleground 中间立场

The first tip for healthierthinking is to allow natural nuance. The goal isn’t to convince yourselfthat you like a situation you don’t like. Rather, it’s to acknowledge that there are gray areas and caveats. The more of those you see, theclearer the picture will be.


nuance/njuːˈɑːns/n. 细微差别

acknowledge /əkˈnɒlɪdʒ/v. 承认

caveat /ˈkeɪvɪˌæt/ n. 警告,提醒

Thinking trap2: Jumping to conclusions


jumpto 赶快,立即

"She didn’t answer my text,so she must be mad at me."


be mad at 对…非常愤怒,恼火

For better orworse, our brains are faster than the speed of sound,always racing ahead on the fabric of time-space to see what mightlie ahead. Sometimes this is very helpful! I But sometimes, this eagerness to think ahead lands us in trouble.


forbetter or worse 无论好坏,不管怎样

raceahead 跑在前面

fabric /ˈfæbrɪk/ n. 结构,纤维

拓展:social fabric 社会结构

eagerness /ˈiːɡənəs/n. 渴望,热心

landsb in trouble 使某人陷入麻烦

If you feel yourself feelingnervous or discouraged about an upcoming situation, ask yourselfif your thought is based on facts that have already happened? Or is it based onwhat you fear might happen? It’s helpful to remember that, at the very least,what you fear is not yet true. There’s no need to spend time wrestling with this thought right now.


discouraged /dɪsˈkʌrɪdʒd/ adj. 灰心的,气馁的

upcoming /ʌpˈkʌmɪŋ/ adj. 即将发生的

atthe very least至少

wrestle /ˈresl/v. 斗争,奋力对付,较劲

关联词:arm-wrestling /ˈɑːm reslɪŋ/ n. 掰腕子

Thinking trap3: Mental filter


filter /ˈfɪltə/n. 过滤器

"My partner is alwaysleaving dirty clothes on the floor. She's hopeless!"


In addition to being lightningfast, our brains are also naturally good defense lawyers. Without evenknowing it, we often stake out a claim and automatically startsearching for evidence to back it up. But we have a harder time noticingor remembering evidence to the contrary.



stakeout a claim坚持要求

关联词:stake /steɪk/ v. 支持,资助

automatically/ɔːtəˈmætɪkli/adv. 无意识地,自动地

backup 证实,支持

tothe contrary 相反地

Next time you feel stuck or despairing about something, see if you’re looking at the situationwith blinders on. Put on an independent investigator’s hat instead of adefense lawyer’s, and let yourself explore the evidence.


feelstuck 遇到瓶颈了,被困住了

关联词:stick /stɪk/ v. 刺,戳,伸出,粘贴

despairing /dɪˈspeərɪŋ/adj. 感到绝望的,表现绝望的

关联词:desperate /ˈdespərət / adj. 不顾一切的,孤注一掷的,极度渴望的

blinder /ˈblaɪndə/ n. 眼罩

The way to a healthy mentalexperience is not to control our thoughts. The truth is, our thoughts are notalways positive, and they shouldn’t be. To help us navigate the worldand make sound decisions, we need a variety of thoughts, not justpositive ones.


sound /saʊnd/adj. 合理的

navigate /ˈnævɪˌɡeɪt/ v. 找到正确方法,导航


No wonder we often drawall-or-nothing lines that(定语从句)putour situation in the “awful” box while(表对比)others seem to be in the “awesome” box.


解析:“Nowonder”放在句首,一般是It’sno wonder that的省略形式,意思是“难怪...”。后面的“that”引导定语从句,在从句中做主语。“while”表示对比,前后是两个并列的句子。


1. Forbetter or worse, our brains are faster than the speed of sound,always racing ahead on the fabric of time-space to see what might lie ahead.


短语:For better orworse


仿写:For better or worse,flag is an emblem of unity.


2. But sometimes, this eagernessto think ahead lands us in trouble.


短语:land sb in trouble


仿写:Revealing confidential information to a rivalcompany could land you in serious trouble.


3. There’sno need to spend time wrestling with this thought right now.


句型:There’s no need to spend time wrestling with...


仿写:There’s no need to spend time wrestling with ignorant person.







  • 听友469246409

    very good