





Was it the radiator or the headboard?

Natasha leaned in.

When he beat you. When he kept you captive, like an animal.

Ava’s eyes were shining.

Or if you didn’t thank him enough for choosing you to be one of his girls. 

Whatever happens, you’ll have to live with it now.

She suspected not, at least not yet.

And anyways, you didn’t need a mind reader to know how Ivan Somodorov ran his Red Room. 

The sink. It was a pipe beneath the sink. 

Better acoustics. 

She was resolute, even more so than before.

Ava was as vulnerable and broken as Natasha herself was. 

Natasha had to make sure she wasn’t exploited.

You’ll be off the grid in an hour.

Ava was bitter. 

Because I know which drawer is your underwear drawer and which closets have all the skeletons? 

She was seething.

That those aren’t memories in your head—that’s a case file? That your problem isn’t being a superhero, it’s being a human?

Yes. Nailed it. You got me. Happy?

So if your little monologue is over, let’s go.

Just give her until tomorrow—enough time to get her head around it.

Believe me, sestra, I wouldn’t have it any other way.


1. 词汇


1) acoustics /əˈkuːstɪks/ n. (房间、戏院的)传声效果,音响效果; 声学

The acoustics in here are terrible. 这里的音响效果极差。

Acoustics is the science of sound waves. 声学是研究声波的科学。

2) bitter /ˈbɪtə/ adj. 充满愤怒与仇恨的; 愤愤不平的

3) captive /ˈkæptɪv/ adj. 被监禁的; 被关起来的; 被困住的

4) exploit /ɪkˈsplɔɪt/ v. 剥削; 利用(…为自己谋利); 压榨

5) lean /liːn/ v. 前俯(或后仰)

6) resolute /ˈrezəluːt/ adj. 坚决的,有决心的

7) sink /sɪŋk/ n. (厨房里的)洗涤池,洗碗槽

8) skeleton /ˈskelɪtn/ n. 骨骼; 骨架; 骨骼标本

9) vulnerable /ˈvʌlnərəbl/ adj. 脆弱的; (身体上或感情上)易受…伤害的


1) case file /keɪs faɪl/ n. 案卷

2) handcuffs /ˈhændkʌfs/ n. 手铐

3) headboard /ˈhedbɔːrd/ n. 床头板

4) monologue /ˈmɑːnəlɔːɡ/ n. (戏剧、电影等的)独白; 独角戏; 个人的长篇大论

5) radiator /ˈreɪdieɪtər/ n. 散热器; 暖气片

6) screwdriver /ˈskruːdraɪvər/ n. 螺丝刀; 改锥

7) seethe /siːð/ v. 强压怒火; 生闷气

2. 短语搭配

1) live with sth 接受,忍受某事物

I just had to learn to live with the pain. 我不得不学会忍受痛苦。

2) off the grid 不和主电网接通的, 不和电、水等公共设施接通的

Sometimes I feel like I should leave the city and just live off the grid. 有时我觉得我应该离开这座城市,远离喧嚣。

3) skeleton in the closet 见不得人的东西,见不得光的秘密,家丑

Many families have a skeleton in the closet. 许多家庭都有不可外扬的家丑。

4) nail it 在某件事上表现得非常完美

You nailed it. 你太棒了!

5) get one’s head around sth 明白,弄清某事

I just can't get my head around the fact that he is leaving us. 我还是搞不懂他为何要离开我们。

6) wouldn’t have it any other way 即使遇到困难也不后悔,不会有任何改变,就喜欢这样

It's never going to be easy having kids but I wouldn't have it any other way. 养孩子不容易,但我毫无怨言。

3. 实用句型

1) I can never thank you enough. 我不知道该怎样感激你才好。

2) You got me (there). 你把我难到了,你把我问住了

