





Ava kept backing up until she’d made it nearly all the way to the airtight laboratory doors, when two armed MPs stepped in front of her. 

It exploded, toppling a rolling lab cart into two technicians.

I see your point. You could use it to toast bread. French bread. Or, say, the entirety of France.

fled to the door

I don’t have a sister and I don’t even know what became of my parents, thanks to Ivan Somodorov.

Natasha was struck by the defiant look on Ava’s face. The faith and the innocence of her own anger. 

I’m trying to keep you from getting fried by Ivan the Strange for the second time. 

You were never there when it mattered.

You live in a basement and eat at shelters and soup kitchens.

At least I’m not skulking around fencing tournaments scaring people with my fake face.

Now we’re getting somewhere.

Just hear me out. I have an idea. And I won’t let Ivan Somodorov near you. I give you my word. 

All S.H.I.E.L.D. has ever done is lock me in a room for my own good, which I can tell you was no good at all. 

It was no good to spend eight years alone in 7B—and alone in an unmarked van—and alone with a tutor in a S.H.I.E.L.D. field office, memorizing the constitution of a country I began to hate.

Hate? Because they beat you? Brainwashed you? Chained you up? Forced you to steal and lie and kill? 

she spat the words out

She shook away the memories as they rose to the surface of her mind again and again.

The word is playdates, not playtimes. That’s what kids have. And the big dance is called the prom. I’m guessing that wasn’t on your calendars.


1. 词汇

1) armed /ɑːrmd/ adj. 持枪的,荷枪实弹的

2)brainwash /ˈbreɪnwɔːʃ/ v. 给(某人)洗脑; 强制说服

3)constitution /ˌkɑːnstɪˈtuːʃn/ n. 宪法; 章程

4)defiant /dɪˈfaɪənt/ adj. 反抗的; 挑衅的

5)ignite /ɪɡˈnaɪt/ v. 点燃

6)memorize /ˈmeməraɪz/ v. 记住; 记忆

7)play date /ˈpleɪ deɪt/ n. 游乐约会,玩耍约会
Hannah has a play date with a friend after school. 汉娜和一个朋友约好了放学后一起玩。

8)prom /prɑːm/ n. (尤指美国高中的)正式舞会

9)say /seɪ/ v. 假定,比方说
If we put out, say, twenty chairs, would that be enough? 如果我们搬出去比方说20把椅子,够不够?


1) fry /fraɪ/ v. 以电刑处死,使坐电梯

2)livid /ˈlɪvɪd/ adj. 暴怒的; 狂怒的

3)skulk /skʌlk/ v. 偷偷摸摸地走动; 鬼鬼祟祟地活动

4)toaster /ˈtoʊstər/ n. 烤面包机

5)topple /ˈtɑːpl/ v. (使)失去平衡而坠落

1)back up 后退,倒行

2)make it to a place 成功抵达某地

3)fall for sth 对某事信以为真
I still can't believe that a smart person like you fell for such a trick. 我还是不敢相信像你这样聪明的人会上当受骗。

4)be struck by 被…所触动

5)get somewhere 有所成就,略有进展

6)hear sb out 听某人把话说完

7)give sb one’s word向某人保证
I'll be there. I give you my word. 我向你保证,我会去的。

8)for one’s own good 为了某人自己好
I know you don't want to do this, but it's for your own good. 我知道你不想这么做,但这是为了你好。

9)be no good 无益的;不中用的;差劲的
I'm telling you, it's no good complaining to a receptionist—you need to get a manager on the line. 我跟你说,跟接线员抱怨是没有用的,你必须找经理接电话。

10)spit out 愤怒地说,恶狠狠地说

1)I see your point. 我懂你的意思了。我明白你的意思。

2)Oh please. 拜托。得了吧。

3)what becomes of sb/sth 某人或者某物怎么样了,发生了什么
What became of him? 他发生了什么?What will become of me? 我以后会怎么样?

4)I’m here to help. 我是来帮忙的。

1) soup kitchen,中文翻译为施食处,或者赈济处,它是一个为所有无家可归或者食不果腹的人提供免费或者非常低价的食物的地方,一般是由宗教慈善组织或者志愿组织来运行。因为是免费提供食物,所以很多地方只能提供一些汤,或者粥,或者汤加面包这种暂时填饱肚子的低成本食物。

