The book we are talking about today is called The Human Network. This book focuses on revisiting the evolution of human society from the perspective of networking.
You see, the evolution of human society, including civilisation as a whole, is essentially a process of continually achieving connectivity and networking. In the beginning, human beings were isolated dots; later, connections were formed between dots and dots, and human beings formed new networks, or tribes. Tribes connected with tribes, which in turn formed villages; further up, villages formed cities, cities formed nations; and in the age of great navigation, nations connected with nations, and the whole world became a network. You see, the evolution of human society is a process of deepening networking in which points are connected to points to form lines, and lines to lines to form nets. This is why it is said that networking is the lowest level of human society's coding.
At first glance, this theme does not seem particularly new. Don't ever underestimate this book. It is a book with a strong after-effect, just like drinking. When you read it at the time, it may not feel like much. You won't feel any huge cognitive upheaval. But after reading it, you will find that this model in the book is extremely powerful in explaining reality. You can't help but apply it to whatever phenomenon you see. And it all fits. It's like being given a pair of contact lenses that you can't take off. For example, there are many students who started their own business from nothing. Nine out of ten have experiences that fit particularly well with the structural holes presented in this book. For example, in the 2020 New Year's Eve speech, we have been emphasising that wealth comes from human connection and human relationships. In this book, it is said through and through.
This shows that human networks are in fact a phenomenon that has always existed.
Custer also argues that a networked society is a global society, but at the same time a society that is unevenly globalised. Some places are the first to be excluded and may even gradually lose their resources for survival because they are not connected into the global network and their informational production is not valuable. The countries of sub-Saharan Africa, for example, are typical cases.In fact, cinema also does this from another latitude. In creating a successful film character, the character often has qualities that need to resonate with the majority of people, or has qualities that most people aspire to, or shows a very central quality of human nature, etc., with a very strong label. It's a bit like the most active and influential people in social networks, except that the film characters have a much wider reach.