


Buckingham Palace announced that with Queen Elizabeth II's approval and agreement, Prince Andrew's military affiliations and royal patronages have been returned to the Queen. The announcement came as Prince Andrew, the Duke of York, faces a civil case in the United States over claims he sexually assaulted a woman three times when she was 17, allegations he has consistently denied. The 61-year-old Royal held several honorary military titles following a 22-year service in the Royal Navy. 

①Buckingham Palace announced that with Queen Elizabeth II's approval and agreement, Prince Andrew's military affiliations and royal patronages have been returned to the Queen.

1. announce v. 宣布
announce sth (to sb) 宣布某事

2. approval n. 批准,认可;同意,赞同

3. patronage n. 赞助,资助
sponsorship n. 赞助

②The announcement came as Prince Andrew, the Duke of York, faces a civil case in the United States over claims he sexually assaulted a woman three times when she was 17, allegations he has consistently denied.

1. claim v. 宣称,声称,断言

2. allegation n. 说法,指控
investigate/deny/withdraw an allegation 调查/否认/撤回指控
accusation n. 起诉,控告,谴责

3. consistently adv. 始终,一贯
consistent adj. 一致的,始终如一的
be consistent with sth 与……一致的、相符的、符合的

The results are entirely consistent with our earlier research.

③The 61-year-old Royal held several honorary military titles following a 22-year service in the Royal Navy.

1. hold v. 拥有,持有;拿着,抓着,抱着;保持;容纳,包含

hold hands 牵手
hold each other 相拥
hold your head up 抬起头来
hold the position 保持这个姿势

The plane holds about 300 passengers.

  • 神行者2024

    老师早,坚持打卡Buckingham. Palace, affiliation, patronage, military, prince。

    英语何健说 回复 @神行者2024: 早安小神!

  • 亮亮读英语


    英语何健说 回复 @亮亮读英语:

  • 菲菲星光

    military l#ˈmɪləterir# adj.军事的 n.军队,军方,军人; affiliate l#əˈfɪlieɪt , əˈfɪliətr# v.使附属,与…有关,n. 附属机构,分支机构,分公司; affiliation l#əˌfɪliˈeɪʃnr# n.附属,隶属,从属; duke l#duːkr# n.公爵; civil l#ˈsɪvlr# adj. 公民的,民事的,民用的,国家的,礼貌的; sexual l#"sekʃuəlr# adj.性行为的,性的,生殖的; assault l#əˈsɔːltr# v.袭击,攻击,侵犯

  • 时而保之


    英语何健说 回复 @时而保之: 哈哈哈 小时好逗~

  • Unravel_70


  • 默默想你已经是习惯

    女王妈妈最近经常上热搜 这把年纪了忙也是够忙的