神盾局和娜塔莎“不上道”的朋友(下)Chapter 16【双语】(订阅+关注+五星好评)

神盾局和娜塔莎“不上道”的朋友(下)Chapter 16【双语】(订阅+关注+五星好评)





The O.P.U.S. project, if these records are right, was Moscow’s push to weaponize quantum entanglement—and then build it.

If they got it done, they’ve found what amounts to the legendary lost unicorn of every physics department in the world. 

There are hundreds of pages of files here that corroborate mentions of your O.P.U.S. project.

That device right there was an attempt to entangle the psyches of two unsuspecting parties. 

Like an adaptor, but for brains. 

Conceivably. A weapon. 

Imagine a modern-day version of the Vulcan mind meld, only Spock is completely in the driver’s seat now, and poor Captain Kirk doesn’t even know his mind is being melded. 

Is that before or after they blow up the Death Star? 

It’s the perfect way to spy on heads of state, tycoons of industry, military generals, Supreme Court justices. 

More adaptive. More growth of neuron pathways. 

Until you’re twenty-six, and then it all gets shot to hell.

suck up

That might be a little not good. Ish. 

Would the connection be stronger when both parties were in physical proximity?

You tell me. As far as we know, you and Ava appear to be Ivan’s only Entangled working prototype. 

A level seven classified breach? 

An intelligence disaster? 

An unparalleled vulnerability

not just for S.H.I.E.L.D. but for the entire Avengers Initiative? 

No. Agent Romanoff will eventually just start leaking... leaching... into your brain. 

And I’m only saying this because I’ve never seen you as an over-sharer. Or even an under-sharer. Or, you know. Sharer. 


1.  词汇


1) adaptive/əˈdæptɪv/ adj. 有适应能力的

2) breach/briːtʃ/ n. 破坏; (对法规等的)违背,违犯

3) conceivable/kənˈsiːvəbl/ adj. 可以想象的; 可想象的; 可信的

4) corroborate/kəˈrɑːbəreɪt/ v.(提供资料)证实

5) entangle/ɪnˈtæŋɡl/ v. 纠缠

6) headof state /ˌhed əv ˈsteɪt/ n. 国家元首

7) intercept/ˌɪntərˈsept/ v. 拦截

8) justice/ˈdʒʌstɪs/ n. 法官

9) leak/liːk/ v. 渗漏; 渗入

10) psyche/ˈsaɪki/ n. 心灵; 精神

11) push/pʊʃ/ n. 坚定的努力

apush to attract new members 吸引新会员的努力

12) unparalleled/ʌnˈpærəleld/ adj. 无与伦比的; 空前的; 绝无仅有的

13) unsuspecting/ˌʌnsəˈspektɪŋ/ adj. 毫不怀疑的; 无危险意识的; 无戒备心的

unsuspectingvictims 无提防之心的受害人


1) adaptor/əˈdæptər/n. (电器设备的)转接器,适配器

2) ish/ɪʃ/ adv. 还行,差不多,有点

I’dlike to get married. Ish. 我想结婚了。有点儿。

3) legendary/ˈledʒənderi/ adj. 传奇的; 传说的

4) meld/meld/ v. (使)融合,合并,结合

5) prototype/ˈproʊtətaɪp/ n. 原型; 雏形

6) proximity/prɑːkˈsɪməti/ n. (时间或空间)邻近

7) tycoon/taɪˈkuːn/ n. 大亨; (企业界的)巨头

8) unicorn/ˈjuːnɪkɔːrn/ n. 独角兽

9) yay/jeɪ/ adv. 这么; 那么

Iknew him when he was yay big. 从他这么大的时候起我就认识他了。

2.  短语搭配

1) amountto 等同; 接近

2) spyon 监视; 窥视

3) shotto hell 毁掉的

Afterdropping my phone so many times, the screen is all shot to hell. 我的手机摔了太多次,屏幕已经不能看了。

4) suckup 奉承; 巴结; 拍马屁

He’salways sucking up to the boss. 他老是拍老板的马屁。

3. 实用句型

1)  Youtell me. 你说呢?

2)  Imean it. 我是认真的。我是说真的。

