


E30 速度与激情


HOOOONK! Woody and Buzz turned around just in time to see the movingtruck driving toward them.


With a scream, they ducked. As soon as the truck passed, Buzz began tochase it. “Come on! he called to Woody.


Back at Sid’s house, Scud was lying on theporch, but he perked up at the sight of the two little action figures runningdown the street. He bared his teeth and growled.


Buzz ran closer to the truck, with Woody just a few steps behind him.


A strap dangled off the back of the truck. Buzz leaped… and caught it!


Grunting, he climbed onto the bumper. Then Woody lunged for the strap—and missed.


“You can do it, Woody!” Buzzcalled out.


Woody tried again. This time he caught hold of the strap. “I made it! He began to clamberup to the bumper, but suddenly he heard a furious barking.


Looking over his shoulder, Woody could see Scud racing after the truck—the dog was closing in fast!


“Aaaaaaah!” Woody yelled as Scud’s jaws chomped on his leg. He kicked at the dog with his other foot.


“Get away, you stupid dog! Down! Down!” Scud continued to tug, pulling Woody down to the end of the strap.


“Hold on, Woody!” Buzz cried.


“I can’t do it!” Woody gasped. “Take care of Andy for me!”


“Noooooo!” Bravely, Buzz leapedonto Scud’s snout and pulled on the dog’s eyelids.


Scud yelped and let go of Woody. Dog and spaceman were left behind as thetruck continued forward.


Thinking quickly, the cowboy scrambled up the strap and onto the truck’s bumper. He unlocked the back door.


When the moving truck screeched toa halt at a red light, the door flew upward, with Woody dangling from thehandle.


Inside the truck, he spotted what he was looking for: several boxesscrawled with the words ANDY’S TOYS. Woodyjumped down and yanked one open.


Mr. Potato Head, Rex, and some of the other toys squinted in the suddenburst of sunlight.


“Are we there already?” Rexasked.

“我们已经到了吗 ?”抱抱龙问道。

“Woody!” Slinky cried. “How’d you—”


But Woody was busy rummaging through another box. “There you are!”


He pulled out RC, along with the remote. Then he ran to the back of thevan and kicked the toy car down into the street.

胡迪把赛车 RC 和遥控器拖了出来,跑到卡车车厢边上,一脚把赛车踢到了路上。

Hes at it again! Rex wailed.


Woody turned on the remote and steered the car toward Buzz. Scud hadshaken the space ranger off, and now Buzz was trapped under a parked car.


When the toy car zoomed up, Buzz jumped on. Using the remote control,Woody then guided RC back toward the moving truck.

赛车 RC飞奔过来,巴斯跳上了车,胡迪用遥控器指挥着赛车 RC 朝卡车急驰过来。

As the red light turned green and the truck started forward, RC and Buzzwere close behind. But so was Scud!

这时,红灯变绿了,搬家卡车继续向前行驶,赛车 RC 和巴斯就在后面不远了。然而,大炮也追过来了!

Meanwhile, the toys in the moving truck didn’t understand what was happening. All they saw was Woodythrowing RC out the back of the truck.

车厢里的玩具们并不明白这是怎么回事。他们只看到胡迪把赛车 RC 从车厢后面踢下去了。

Get him! Mr. Potato Headshouted, leading a mob of angry toys out of the box.


Rocky the wrestler grabbed Woody and spun him overhead. Woody was stillholding the remote control, and the toy car began to spin, too, matching Woody’s movements.

摔跤手洛基双手举起了胡迪,把他在头顶上转了几圈。胡迪手里还抓着遥控器,所以赛车 RC 也随着胡迪打起转来。

Luckily, it was perfect timing—RCand Buzz spun away from Scud just as he was about to chomp down on them.

幸运的是,赛车 RC 的旋转恰到好处——大炮刚要大口咬下去,赛车 RC 和巴斯就成功地旋转着躲避开了。

Rocky threw Woody to the floor, and the car resumed its straight coursetoward the truck.

洛基把胡迪扔到车厢的地上,赛车 RC 又继续向卡车直奔过来。

Scud gave chase as Buzz and RC drove right into a busy intersection. Thetoys made it through, but a traffic jam trapped Scud among a jumble of cars.

赛车 RC 和巴斯来到一个繁忙的十字路口,大炮在后面紧追不舍。两个玩具成功冲过了路口,而大炮则陷入了交通堵塞,被过往的汽车围堵住。

In the truck, the mob of toys lifted Woody up.


“Toss him overboard!” Mr. PotatoHead shouted.


No, wait! Woody pleaded. You dont understand. Buzz is out there! Weve gotta help him!


But the toys didn’t believe him. So long, Woody! Mr. Potato Head sneered asthe toys threw Woody out the back of the truck.



1. duck v. 躲闪,躲避

He ducked a few blows.


2. bare v. 露出

bare your teeth 龇牙咧嘴

bare your soul 打开心扉

3. furious adj. 狂怒的;激烈的

a furious debate 一场激烈的辩论

I'm furious that I wasn't told about it.


Fast and Furious 《速度与激情》

4. chomp v. 大声地吃、咬某样食物

5. burst n. 迸发,裂口

a burst in a water pipe 水管上有个裂缝

a sudden burst of enthusiasm 一股热情的迸发


1. at the sight of一看见......

She fainted at the sight of her own blood.


2. look over one’s shoulder 回头看

cry on someone's shoulder 向某人倾诉

put your shoulder to the wheel 全力以赴

shoulder to shoulder (with sb) 与某人同心协力

3. hold on 坚持住;握紧

4. screech to a halt 嘎地一刹车

screech v. 发出尖锐的声音

screeching brakes 尖锐的刹车声

Monkeys were screeching in the trees.


He screeched with pain.


5. He’s at it again. 他又做坏事了!

Look at all the mess─you have been atit again.


6. a parked car 一辆停着的车

park the car 停车

7. zoom up 飞速前进;飞速上涨

House prices have zoomed up this year.


8. perfect timing 完美的时机

Your timing is perfect. I was just about to call you.


9. traffic jam 交通堵塞

