426 –二十四个节气英文 24 Solar Terms

426 –二十四个节气英文 24 Solar Terms


雨水:Rain Water

惊蛰:Awakening of Insects (Awakening=唤醒,Insect=昆虫)

春分:Spring Equinox (Equinox is the time or date at which the sun crosses the celestial equator, when day and night are of approximately equal length. 春分是太阳穿过天球赤道的时间或日期,此时白天和黑夜的长度大致相等。)

清明:Pure Brightness

谷雨:Grain Rain (Grains include: Barley 大麦、Oatmeal: 燕麦,Millet 小米,Buckwheat 荞麦,Brown rice 糙米)

立夏:Beginning of Summer

小满:Grain Buds (Bud 芽、发芽)

芒种:Grain in Ear (Ear 穗)

夏至:Summer Solstice (Solstice: the time or date at which the sun reaches its maximum or minimum declination, marked by the longest and shortest days)

小暑:Minor Heat

大暑:Major Heat

立秋:Beginning of Autumn

处暑:End of Heat

白露:White Dew

秋分:Autumn Equinox

寒露:Cold Dew

霜降:Frost Descent (descent: 下降、降落)

立冬:Beginning of Winter

小雪: Minor Snow

大雪: Major Snow

冬至:Winter Solstice

小寒:Minor Cold

大寒:Major Cold

立春:Beginning of Spring

  • 岁月静好花盛开


  • 杨云根

    二十四季气口诀 春雨惊春清谷天,夏满芒夏暑相连 秋处露秋寒霜降,冬雪雪冬小大寒 不知如何能把这口诀翻译为英文

  • een05tzy1k2dkuasu11r

    Big thanks teacher Nicole! This lesson make us understand better about the solar terms. How intelligent our ancestors were!

    录程留学 回复 @een05tzy1k2dkuasu11r: Glad to help! I'm just guessing... Are you Leo, by any chance?