(Level 3)-Day_54 Abraham Lincoln

(Level 3)-Day_54 Abraham Lincoln





1.ordeal 磨难

2.legislature 州议会

3.integrity 正直的

4.candidate 候选人

5.prominent 重要的

6.Emancipation Proclamation 奴隶解放宣言

7.Gettysburg Address 盖茨堡演说

8.defended 辩护


Abraham Lincoln

When historians are asked to choose the greatest President in the history of the United Statesone of the names most frequently mentioned is Abraham Lincoln.

Lincoln was President during the greatest ordeal that ever faced the United States-the Civil War.

Abraham Lincoln was born in 1809 in the state of Kentuckybut when he was a childthe family moved to the state of Indiana.

Abraham's parentsThomas and Nancy Lincolnwere farmers who were very poorand they received only a few years of education.

When Abraham was only 9 years oldhis mother became ill and died.

About one year laterAbraham's father remarried.

As a young manAbraham continued to work on the family farmand he also worked as a laborer.

During this timethe Lincolns moved to the state of Illinois.

Abraham became known to the local people as an excellent athlete and story-teller.

He educated himself by reading many booksmost of which he borrowed from neighbors.

Lincoln was interested in politicsand when he was in his mid-20she was elected to the Illinois state legislature.

During this timeLincoln also studied lawand soon became known as an excellent lawyer.

People called LincolnHonest Abebecause of his personal integrity

In 1842Lincoln married a woman named Mary Todd.

During the 1850sLincoln became the strongly opposed the expansion of slavery into the western parts of the United States.

Lincoln had several famous debates against a supporter of slavery named Stephen Douglas.

In 1860Lincoln was a candidate in the election for the President of the United States.

During this electionthe issue of slavery and its expansion was very prominent.

Lincoln wonbut soon afterseveral of the southern states decided to secede from the United Statesand form their own country.

After a few months laterfighting started between those southern states and the federal governmentwhich was supported by the northern states.

Lincoln managed the Civil War with skill and determination.

Gradually the North began to win the war.

In 1863Lincoln made theEmancipation Proclamation”,which freed the slaves.

Later that yearsLincoln gave his most famous speechthe Gettysburg Address.

The Civil War had brought terrible suffering to many Americansand people were very bitter after the war.

But Lincoln wanted the country to become united againand he urged people to forgive.

Howeverin April of 1865only months after the war endedLincoln was shot and killed by an assassin.

Many peopleeven Lincoln's criticsmourned his death.

In the generations that have passed since Lincoln's deathhe has continued to be viewed as a great president.

Some historians have criticized Lincoln for not being more strongly opposed to slaverybut others have defended himsaying that Lincoln's approach to the issue was realistic and humane.

But nearly all historians agree that Lincoln was an honest and brave leader during the difficult period in American history.

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