

  • 呵嗨哼嘿哈

    你好👋我记得驾驶证扣分是add point,消分是deduct points,和你说的正好相反,不知道正确表达该是怎么样的呢

    彭百万雅思口语 回复 @呵嗨哼嘿哈: 那就看你在哪个国家,你的国家是加分制就是加分,你们国家是减分制就是减分。

  • 听友76063406

    Well. If my memory serves me well. that very much depends on where exactly you are parking your car. If you are just parking your car at a roadsiede, not interfrerring any traffic flow, perhaps you can just get fined. and you have to pay100-2000 for your wrong parking. If then you re interfering the traffic, for example, you are parking at the mainstreet, and perhaps your points could get deducted,and traffic police is going to make a note on your driver's license.

  • 吃小可爱长大的木头人

    access 应该是exit吧

  • 听友76063406

    However, in some really serious situation, like you are parking you car at an emergycy access. such as an access for ambulance, an access for the fire trucks, you know, something serious could happen. foer axample, the traffic police is likely to send in a trailor and tow your car away. then you have to go to the trafiic police department to pay your fine and get your points deducted. and you know, It would take you couple days befor you get your car back.