234.He Loves His Country

234.He Loves His Country


"I don't like John," she told her husband. "Why don't you like John?" he asked his wife. She said that John said bad things about Americans. He said Americans are lazy. He said Americans are greedy. He said Americans are selfish. He said Americans are unfriendly. John said the people in his country aren't lazy. The people in his country aren't greedy. The people in his country aren't selfish. The people in his country aren't unfriendly. "But John is new here," said her husband. "He doesn't know anyone yet. He doesn't have any friends. When he has new friends, he will change his mind. He will say different things. He will say good things about Americans." He told his wife to be patient. She didn't want to be patient. "A new person shouldn't say bad things," she said. "He should go back to his country."
husband 丈夫 ; 节俭使用
Americans 美洲人 ; 花旗布
lazy 懒惰的 ; 不愿工作的 ; 懒散的 ; 无精打采的 ; 懒洋洋的 ; 没下工夫的 ; 粗枝大叶的 ; 马虎的
greedy 贪婪的 ; 贪心的 ; 贪吃的 ; 渴望的
selfish 自私的
unfriendly 不友好的 ; 冷漠的 ; 有敌意的
anyone (用于否定句、疑问句,也用于if或whether之后

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