Did anyone tell you that your voice is especially like a person in 《神盾局特工》. her name is Sky.and I love her very much .
iCyclone 回复 @顺风耳的弟弟千里眼: You mean Skye, the "real name" is Daisy Johnson, AKA. Quake.
This is really a shocking news! I just couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the news! 即使娱乐圈多乱大家有目共睹,但以前要说L.H. Wang 和 Y.D Lee我是真的真的不相信!How ridiculous!特别是前者,颜值在我(虽然我是一男的)审美上,才华在线,生活作风以前也没黑点…说话间一个新瓜此时此刻又正在微博爆出……这个圈到底怎么啦?
And I love you very much too