


Four astronauts splashed down off the coast of Florida, aboard a SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule, capping off their six-month stay in space. The spacecraft began its eight-hour return voyage with a 90-minute fly-around of the space station as the crew snapped a series of survey photographs of the orbital outpost.

①Four astronauts splashed down off the coast of Florida, aboard a SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule, capping off their six-month stay in space. 

1. splash down 溅落
splash v. 水滴飞溅

2. coast n. 海岸
coast guard 海岸警卫队
coast to coast 一条龙进球

3. capsule n. 太空舱
time capsule 时空胶囊

4. cap off 结束
cap n. 鸭舌帽 v. 覆盖……的顶部;限制支出

5. stay n. 居住,停留
homestay n. 住在当地居民家中

②The spacecraft began its eight-hour return voyage with a 90-minute fly-around of the space station as the crew snapped a series of survey photographs of the orbital outpost.

1. voyage n. 航行
bon voyage 一路顺风,一路顺利

2. international space station 国际空间站(缩写ISS)

3. snap n. 快照 adj. 匆忙的,仓促的 v. 打响指;快照
glamour shot 艺术照
Snapchat n. 阅后即焚

It’s a snap decision.

4. survey n. 测量,测绘,勘测

5. photograph n. 照片(简写photo)

  • 菲菲星光

    老师请教下 off the coast of Florida 里的这个off 怎么理解?

    英语何健说 回复 @菲菲星光: 菲菲好 这里的 off可以解释为距离 离, 就是离Florida比较近的海岸

  • 神行者2024

    老师好,坚持打卡,glamour shot,Snapchat,voyage,cap off,splash down

    英语何健说 回复 @神行者2024: 早安 神儿!

  • 四尾龟

    哪里有新课哪里就有我 举手听课嘻嘻嘻

  • Shan_G

    Outpost 是什么意思呢

  • 时而保之


  • 洛杉矶曲线
