


British gourmet Fuchsia Dunlop's posts on WeChat or Instagram, serve up a diet of humor. Most of the posts are about her experience with food from around the world. But since the COVID-19 pandemic broke out in London last February, cooking has become a way for her to cope with the "endless lockdown". She says she cooks in a very relaxed way, going to the farmers' market at the weekend to buy seasonal products for everyday cooking — a mixture of Jiangnan, Hunan, Guangdong, and Sichuan dishes.


"For me, there are so many wonderful things about Chinese food. The thing that I find is greatest about it is that you can eat food that is both really delicious and incredibly healthy," Dunlop says. "The Chinese are experts at cooking vegetables, so it's very easy for me to eat Chinese food almost every day."


Growing up in a household in Oxford, Dunlop dreamed of becoming a cook when she was little. However, her dream did not start to materialize until she came to Chengdu, capital of Sichuan province, as a university student in 1994. That was when she began learning local cooking skills at the Sichuan Higher Institute of Cuisine.


Always keeping a notebook on hand wherever she went, she wrote down the recipes of the dishes she tasted. Based on her knowledge of Sichuan cuisine, Dunlop published her first book, Sichuan Cookery, in 2001, which was hailed by the Observer Food Monthly as "one of the top 10 cookbooks of all time".

扶霞到哪儿都会拿着笔记本,每次吃到好吃的菜,都会把菜谱记下来。基于对川菜的了解,2001年,她出版了自己的第一本书《川菜》,夺得英国著名饮食杂志《Observer Food Monthly》大奖,被评为”史上最佳十大烹饪书籍“。



Since then, she has published four books about Sichuan cuisine, and one in 2016 about recipes from Jiangnan, called Land of Fish and Rice.


Now, a Chinese version of Land of Fish and Rice, translated by He Yujia, is available. In the book, Dunlop displays her profound understanding of the food culture that runs deep in the blood of Chinese people.



Having studied Chinese food culture for nearly two decades, she regards the Jiangnan region as the heartland of the nation's gastronomy.


"Although you have really interesting and delicious food all over China, in this region, particularly, people wrote about it and discussed it. Many of the old classic food books came from this region, for example. So, if you talk about gastronomy, and not just about good food, then Jiangnan is a really important region," she says.


Dunlop spent 10 years researching the book.


The decisive moment was in 2008 when she went to Longjing Caotang, or the DragonWell Manor, a restaurant in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, where the whole approach to ingredients, seasoning, cooking and tradition was so moving and impressive that, at that moment, she decided to write a book about the region, she says.


By then, she had published three books about Sichuan and Hunan cuisine, both of which are famous for being stimulatingly spicy. But in Hangzhou and Yangzhou, she encountered food that was calm, peaceful, soothing and delicate.


To better understand the context of the food in Jiangnan, Dunlop started reading Chinese classics like The Dream of the Red Chamber which contained detailed descriptions of dishes eaten by literati and aristocratic families in ancient China.


"Jiangnan food is connected with Chinese literature. Lots of dishes have quite literary names or stories behind them," she says.


As a result, when introducing food in the book, besides tracing the history of the dishes, she also tells stories like how Su Dongpo, a great poet during the Song Dynasty (960-1279), invented Dongpo Pork in the 11th century, or quotes his poem that praises delicious sea bass.


After collecting all the recipes, Dunlop tested them at her home in London to make sure they worked for people in the West.


"What I want to do is to try to describe the recipes accurately. If I make a change, I explain it," she says.


In total, there are more than 160 recipes that cover the typical food and dishes that people in Jiangnan eat, either at a banquet or at home every day.


However, because Jiangnan is a large region, it was not easy for her to decide which dishes should be presented in the limited number of pages.


"In the end, it's just a matter of personal choice and judgment," she says, adding that she wanted to include as many as possible of the really essential famous dishes like Dongpo Pork, Westlake vinegar fish, and lion-head meatballs, "the really classic dishes".


"But I also like to include dishes that I've enjoyed, or that have a particular meaning for me, like maybe a simple dish that someone cooked for me that I thought was lovely and that I want to cook at home.


"It's like trying to paint a picture of the region and show its many different sides, from the banquet to the street food," she says.


编辑:陈月华 周婵 商桢


录音:Stephanie Stone

实习生:申乐 舒好 李蕤 陈励澄

  • HAHA大人

    gastronomy:n. 烹饪法,美食法;享乐主义 seasoning:n. 调味品;佐料;风干;增添趣味的东西stimulatingly:刺激地 soothing:adj. 抚慰的;使人宽心的 literati:n. 文人(literatus 的复数);文学界 aristocratic:adj. 贵族的,有贵族特征的 bass: n. 男低音歌手;低音,低音部;低音吉他,低音提琴;鲈鱼;椴树 adj. 低音的,低声调的 banquet:n v.. 宴会,盛宴;筵席,宴席

  • HAHA大人

    gourmet:n. 美食家;美食家adj. (食物)美味的;提供美食的household:n. 家庭,一家人;家务;王室 the Household adj. 家用的,家务的;全家人的;家喻户晓的;皇家的(Household) recipe:n. 烹饪法,食谱;诀窍,秘诀;原因;<古>处方Cookery:n. 烹饪术;烹饪;烹调;(北美)烹饪处,厨房 hail: v. 赞扬,欢呼;呼喊,招呼;下冰雹;(大量物体)像雹子般落下(或击打);<古>表示问候或欢呼欢迎 n. 冰雹;雹子般的一阵;招呼(某人) deep: ady. adj. n.海洋the deep

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