《阿里巴巴和四十大盗》03 卡西姆和藏宝洞

《阿里巴巴和四十大盗》03 卡西姆和藏宝洞


Chapter 3 Kasim visits the cave
At Ali Baba's house, a young woman opens the door to Kasim. She's Morgiana, Ali Baba's new servant.
Kasim asks his brother, 'Where's this gold coin from?' Ali Baba explains.       
Later, Kasim visits the cave. 'Open Sesame!' he says and goes in. 'It's my treasure now!' he cries. The cave door closes behind him.        
'Open Salt!' he says when he wants to leave. But the cave door doesn't open.            
When the thieves arrive, they find Kasim. They kill him angrily.       
'Cut his body into four pieces!' their chief, Arshad, says. 'Do more people know about our cave? This dead body can scare them, and stop their visits!' 
Later, Ali Baba finds Kasim's body. He takes it back home. 'Perhaps the thieves can find and kill me now!' he says. 'Help! What can I do?'          
'Kasim's very ill, tell everybody,' Morgiana says. 'The cobbler, Baba Mustafa, can come and sew up Kasim's body. Then we can bury it.' 

  • 听友6123937

    阿里巴巴的文稿不全,结尾没有哦 作者

  • 1501142dyxs


    开心1116 回复 @1501142dyxs: 你自己听不懂还怪作者了?

  • 生命自由1


  • 小袁_wx


  • 青青子衿一祎


  • 夏_美丽


  • 听友236941787


  • 1395071sstu


    桃桃妈_m9 回复 @1395071sstu: 有:啊啊!

  • liu_2q7

    So Morgiana blindfolds Baba Mustafa. She brings him to Ali Baba's house. He sews up Kasim's body. Then Morgiana blindfolds him and takes him back home. After that, the family buries Kasim. 'Now the thieves can't find me,' Ali Baba thinks happily. 'Or can they?'

  • 1382000usuj

    我想听,就是就是就是,没翻译就不行了吗?这么多个人听就要听你的,过分୧( ⁼̴̶̤̀ω⁼̴̶̤́ )૭