晨读英语美文 Ronald Reagan's Inaugural Speech

晨读英语美文 Ronald Reagan's Inaugural Speech


Ronald Reagan's Inaugural Speech

[00:14.41]My friends, we live in a world that's lit by lightning.

[00:19.69]So much is changing and will change,

[00:22.52]but so much endures and transcends time.

[00:25.31]History is a ribbon,

[00:27.20]always unfurling.

[00:28.60]History is a journey.

[00:30.09]And as we continue on our journey,

[00:32.68]we think of those who traveled before us.

[00:35.41]We stand again at the steps of this symbol of our democracy—well,

[00:40.69]we would have been standing at the steps

[00:43.09] if it hadn't gotten so cold.

[00:44.58]Now we're standing inside this symbol of our democracy,

[00:48.31]now we hear again the echoes of our past:

[00:52.56]a general falls to his knees 

[00:55.08]in the hard snow of Valley Forge;

[00:57.20]a lonely President paces the darkened halls

[01:00.44] and powers ponders his struggle

[01:02.58]to preserve the Union;

[01:04.23]the men of the Alamo call out encouragement to each other;

[01:07.80]a settler pushes west and sings a song,

[01:10.74]and the song echoes out forever and fills the unknowing air.

[01:15.07]It is the American sound.

[01:16.91]It is hopeful,

[01:18.07]big-hearted, idealistic, daring, decent, and fair.

[01:21.85]That's our heritage; that's our song.

[01:24.39]We sing it still.

[01:25.95]For all our problems,

[01:27.69]our differences,

[01:28.68]we are together as of old.

[01:30.47]We raise our voices to the God

[01:33.41]who is the author of this most tender music.

[01:36.57]And may He continue to hold us close

[01:39.25]as we fill the world with our sound in unity,

[01:42.79]affection, and love—one people under God,

[01:45.92]dedicated to the dream of freedom 

[01:48.89]that He has placed in the human heart,

[01:51.60]called upon now to pass that dream 

[01:54.30]on to a waiting and a hopeful world.

[01:57.07]God bless you,

[01:58.96]and may God bless America.

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  • 陌黎不爱作业

    gold bless you

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    gold bless you