



Zachary Davis: Don Quixote is a hilarious book. As I was reading it, I couldn’t believe something 400 years old could make me laugh so much. But despite being so funny, it’s also an incredibly brilliant examination of the nature of literature. 


Timothy Hampton: It's a book about books. It's a book about what it is to be obsessed with books and to be transformed by your relationship to fiction. 


Timothy Hampton: My name is Timothy Hampton. I'm a professor of comparative literature and French at the University of California at Berkeley. 


Zachary Davis: Don Quixote was written by Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes. He wrote it in two parts. Part one was published in 1605, and part two ten years later, in 1615. The story is centered around a middle aged guy named Alonso Quijano who is obsessed with stories of brave medieval knights. 


Timothy Hampton: You know, it's the story of a guy who was a sort of impoverished aristocrat in 17th century Spain who doesn't have to work for a living, and spends his days locked in his library reading what at the time were called romances of chivalry, which are a kind of almost comic book-like genre of literature that proliferated in the 16th century. 


Zachary Davis: These types of stories were always popular, but they gained new traction with the invention of the Gutenberg Printing Press in the 15th century. 


Timothy Hampton: We often think of the invention of movable type as being a great thing for, you know, the classics and these kinds of things. But there was also a massive proliferation of what we would today call popular literature and one of the most popular forms, were these romances of chivalry, which were stories about knights traveling around the world on winged horses, fighting against dragons and giants and so on and so forth.


Timothy Hampton: Don Quixote spends his days absorbed in reading these kinds of stories, and at a certain point, he decides that he too must act. And so it raises the very big ethical question of, you know, what does it mean to act in the world, and on what basis do you begin to act, right? And so he suddenly says, “I am Don Quixote. I will become Don Quixote.” And he turns himself then into a knight errant.


Zachary Davis: Don Quixote goes on all sorts of misguided adventures; fighting a windmill, jousting with a flock of sheep, and usually losing these battles in humiliating fashion. 


Timothy Hampton: But those are only the opening episodes because as the novel unfolds, it becomes extraordinarily profound in its meditation on what it means to read, what it means to embrace a fiction, what kinds of codes we use to determine our lives. 


Zachary Davis: In Don Quixote, Cervantes created a protagonist who was out of step with his own time.  


Timothy Hampton: Don Quixote's idea is that the code of chivalry, of medieval chivalry as he understood it, is the only thing that can save the world. And he needs to embrace that code as a way of going out and as he calls it, rescuing widows, and helping orphans, and killing bad guys, and helping good guys. And so we have this interesting instance of a literary character who is out of touch with his times, but as the novel unfolds, it becomes clear, is really the only force for good in the world. Everyone around him is corrupt, violent, venal, deceitful, and he is the beacon of goodness. 


Timothy Hampton: So we have this kind of problem of, I mean it's an existential problem, which is what do you do when you're out of touch with your times, but you're the only good guy around? And that's one of the things that Cervantes invented. And I think that's extraordinary. And as I say, it comes out of too much reading.


Zachary Davis: Welcome to Writ Large, a podcast about how books change the world. I’m Zachary Davis. For this episode, I sat down with professor Timothy Hampton to discuss Miguel de Cervantes’s Don Quixote.


Zachary Davis: What can you say about Cervantes's life arc and kind of what's going on in Spain at this time?


Timothy Hampton: So he was born in 1547, which is right in the center of the 16th century. And of course, the 16th century is the century that gives us really the foundations of the modern world, right? It's the first century of printing, it's the century of the rise of colonialism, it's the century of the beginnings of the nation state and so on and so forth. So he's born right in the middle of the 16th century. His father was a surgeon who was also a barber, they were the same thing because they used razors to cut you open. There's some evidence that he might have been from a, what the Spanish called “converso family'', which is to say, a Jewish family that had converted to Christianity, though nobody knows for sure whether that's true. He was educated in a Jesuit school, went to Madrid, and in 1569 he seems to have wounded someone in a duel after which he left Madrid and found his way to Italy. 


Zachary Davis: Cervantes settled in Rome and got a job working for an aristocratic Italian bishop.  


Timothy Hampton: So he saw the last gasp of what we would call the Italian renaissance, or the beginnings of the, kind of, baroque period in Rome, and eventually found himself signing up to be an officer in the Spanish Navy. And this was at the moment of the great battle in 1571, of LePanto, in which he was wounded and lost the use of one of his hands. And so he makes a big deal of this throughout his later life that he was basically a one handed guy and was only able to to write and was not able to do anything else. 


Zachary Davis: Presumably his left hand?


Timothy Hampton: Left hand, yes. And so after this, he goes back to Rome, and a bit later, he's on his way back to Spain, and his ship is captured by Ottoman pirates, and he's sold into slavery, or sent into slavery, in Algiers and held for ransom, which is basically, you know, a kind of cottage industry in the 16th century. And he was there for five years before he was ransomed by a charitable Christian organization, brought back to Spain.


Timothy Hampton: And he lives out his life trying to do a number of things. He works as a tax collector for a while. He has a lot of health problems. He's thrown into debtor's prison, and he writes various things. He writes a pastoral novel, a novel about shepherds. He tries to write a lot of plays, he wrote about 20 plays. None of them made them any money. I mean, you couldn't really make money on the theater in the 16th and 17th century, but he wrote a number of plays. And in 1605, he publishes this strange thing called Don Quixote, which is the first part of the novel that we have today, which immediately makes him famous. Shortly after that, he published a collection of tales, what are called the Exemplary Novels which are sort of novellas, some of which are very beautiful. And then in 1615, he published the second part of Don Quixote. So there are 10 years between the first half of the novel and the second half. And he dies in 1616. 


Zachary Davis: For a while, it was believed that Cervantes died on the exact same day as William Shakespeare. But because the Spanish calendar and English calendar were slightly misaligned, that’s actually not true. 


Timothy Hampton: But it's a great idea. And it should be true, given the extraordinary similarities between those two authors; they're both reflecting on a changing world, they both seem to have a value system that really privileges old ideas of kingship and virtue that seem to be disappearing under the pressures of modernity. So Shakespeare and Cervantes, you know, are kind of natural pairs, a natural pairing, along with the French philosopher Montaigne, who's also pretty much their contemporary, a little bit older. But those three authors always seem to me, at least, to be speaking to each other even though they never met.


Zachary Davis: Cervantes entered the Spanish literary scene at an exciting time. 


Timothy Hampton: So in Spain, there are a couple of things that are worth thinking about. There's a heavily centralized court society, so there are a lot of courtly writers who write for the king, about the king, but you also have a very lively public theatrical scene. So there's not only Calderón de la Barca, there's another writer named Lope de Vega, they called him the monster because he wrote so many plays, he was so successful. And his plays are still performed all the time today in the Spanish speaking world, a number of other playwrights and a very lively scene of, lots of lyric poetry, celebration of poetry. 


Timothy Hampton: I mean, it really is a kind of mirror image of the scene that we think of at the end of the 16th, the beginning of the 17th century in England, where you have a public theater with Ben Jonson, Christopher Marlowe, Shakespeare, you have poets like Philip Sidney circulating their poetry, you have the beginnings of prose fiction, all of those things are happening also in Spain in a different cultural context, of course, and in a different religious context, obviously. So there is a very lively literary world and there's a very lively, of course, world of the visual arts. Velasquez is painting at this time, El Greco is painting at this time, and we get the construction in the late 16th century of the Escorial, the palace of the king outside of Madrid. So there is an immense amount of intellectual ferment and artistic production that's going on at this time.


Zachary Davis: Spain was also thriving politically.


Timothy Hampton: Spain had ruled the world. In the mid-16th century there was the Treaty of Tordesillas between Spain and Portugal, which divided up the world. And there was the great Columbian expedition, there was Cortez in Mexico, there were these massive colonialist enterprises in the new world and all of this silver coming into Spain, from South America principally, that made Spain incredibly rich and a big player in European politics.


Timothy Hampton: And so everything was great. And of course, the Holy Roman emperor in the early part of the 16th century, Charles V, the Hapsburg emperor, was also Charles I of Spain. So, Spain was riding high. And by the end of the 16th century, everything had turned bad.


Timothy Hampton: There was the unfortunate military expedition against England, the famous Armada in 1588, which ended disastrously. There had been bad harvests, the influx of silver from the new world ruined the Spanish economy, basically, and caused massive inflation. They had also expelled the Jews and the Arabs earlier in the century, which meant that the merchant class was gone from Spanish society. So you had this very strange, stratified society of peasants who were dirt poor on the one hand and on the other hand, a kind of idle aristocracy on the other, without the kind of mercantile energy that you find, for example, in England, right? That's the kind of counterweight to Spain. 


Timothy Hampton: So Spain was in a period of real decadence, it's what in Spanish literature they call desengaño, which means disenchantment. And there's really a sense that they had been living a kind of dream of world glory, and now they had woken up from the dream and they didn't like what they saw. So you could see why Cervantes, at this point, would give us a novelistic hero who really sees the world as out of joint, as Hamlet would say, and who wants to return to an earlier ethical code when men were brave and women were beautiful and dragons were evil and you know, there was work to be done. And that nostalgic vision, which is one of the things that Cervantes bequeathed really to world literature and to Western culture, was very much of the moment at one level.


Zachary Davis: Meanwhile, warfare in Europe was undergoing a radical change. 


Timothy Hampton: Suddenly we have wars that in the old days had been fought with swords and lances and maces, where an aristocrat could ride his horse into battle and conk the peasants on the head. We now have warfare based on gunpowder. We have guns, we have muskets, we have cannons, and that's heavily democratizing because it means that the lowliest peasant can kill the biggest, the most powerful king with just one shot. For the aristocracy that's, you know, the beginning of the end at that point.


Zachary Davis: Where is the heroism in gunpowder?


Timothy Hampton: Exactly. I've wondered that many times.


Zachary Davis: All these changes in warfare, culture, and politics impacted the literature of the day. For around 500 years, chivalric epics and romances dominated the literary market. Instead of Batman and James Bond, you had King Arthur, Charlemagne, and Orlando.


Zachary Davis: Could you sketch a typical romance story featuring one of these brave knights? 


Timothy Hampton: So you have a hero who is possibly riding through the woods one day and he meets a knight in black armor and the knight challenges him. And then something comes along to interrupt the duel, and one of them is called away, maybe to rescue a damsel, and they meet again 250 pages later, and they have to pick up their duel. In the meantime, maybe one of them gets on a boat. And of course, whenever you get on a boat in literature, there's going to be a storm. So he gets on a boat and he's blown off course. And the next thing you know, he finds himself in China or Africa, where he has to defeat a number of evil guys. And he picks up his sword, this is the kind of cliché that we think of also if we read classical epic poetry, of the knight who can pick up his sword and hit somebody on the head and split him down the middle. Everybody's usually riding an enchanted horse of some kind and they're completely, of course, immortal and completely untouchable. 


Zachary Davis: By the early 1600s, these stories had gone out of style for everyone, except the hero of today’s text, Alonso Quijano. He devours these chivalric stories and then he decides he’s going to go out and live it, as Don Quixote.


Zachary Davis: Let's now move to the story itself. How does it begin?


Timothy Hampton: So Don Quixote goes crazy. He takes his horse, whom he calls Rocinante, and he finds an old shield and he puts together a helmet for himself, made out of cardboard. And he enlists his neighbor, a farmer named Sancho Panza, to be his squire. And they go out. In the early episodes, it's very slapsticky. And about, I don't know, 10 chapters into the novel, Don Quixote is entering into a battle with a Basque. And Don Quixote has his sword and the Basque has his sword, and suddenly the narrative stops. 


Timothy Hampton: They're both about to conk each other with their swords, and suddenly the narrator of the novel intervenes and he says, “Sorry. We have to stop here. I don't know what's going to happen. Is Don Quixote going to hit the Basque or the Basque to hit Don Quixote? But we have to stop here because I can tell you that this novel you've been reading or this story you've been reading was a manuscript, and that's all I have of the manuscript. It stopped right there.” So this is one of these great sort of post-modern moments where it becomes a novel about making novels. And so he says, “Let me tell you the story. One day I was in the marketplace in Toledo, and I saw a pile of papers in Arabic and somebody was reading them and laughing. And I said, ‘What are you laughing about?’ And he said, ‘Well, I'm reading the story of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza.’ And I said, ‘What?’ And so I got this guy to translate this manuscript. Right.” And so now he says, “I've got the rest of it and we're going to continue with the story.” 


Timothy Hampton: So we get this kind of self-conscious intervention into the novel, where the narrator now becomes a kind of character and he tells us how he found the rest of the novel, got it translated, he says, “I got it translated from Arabic into Spanish.” There's a great detail because he has his negotiation with the guy who's going to do the translation, who's a Moore in the cathedral in Toledo. And he says, “And of course, you know, he translated it into Spanish, but as we know, all Moors are liars, so we can't believe anything that they say and we can't believe that the story is true. But here's the story.” So then he goes on with the story. And so what this does is it introduces the problem of making stories into the novel. 


Zachary Davis: Don Quixote and Sancho continue on with their adventures, doing right in the world as they see fit. They free slaves, help lost lovers, and manage to draw a lot of attention along the way.


Timothy Hampton: As the novel unfolds, everybody around Don Quixote, including a priest and a barber from his home village who show up on the scene, everybody says, “You know, this guy's crazy. We've got to cure him, we've got to get him out of the mountains and back to his home village.” So how are they going to do that? You can't go to him and say, Don Quixote, you're crazy, because of course, he refuses to believe that. So the only way they can do this is by pretending to enter into the chivalric world that Don Quixote inhabits. So they cook up a scheme where one of the young people that they've met is going to pretend to be a princess in distress, and she needs to be freed from a giant. And so they're going to lure Don Quixote out of the mountains, and they're going to capture him and throw him in a cage and take them back to his village. So you can see that as the story unfolds, everybody around Don Quixote starts to enter into the world of the fiction and become little Don Quixotes, each in his own right, and they find that this is great fun.


Timothy Hampton: They really love pretending to be shepherds or pretending to be damsels in distress. It's great fun. So you can see that there's a kind of enchantment of the world where everybody turns into some form of Don Quixote, and that's where you can see how Cervantes is discovering what a brilliant idea this is, and he can spin it out, and spin it out, and spin it out. 


Zachary Davis: They finally get Don Quixote back to his village and this concludes part one, the first half of the novel.


Timothy Hampton: Then what happens is something really extraordinary which is that, and this is real this is not in the novel, the first part of the novel was so successful that between part one and part two, during the 10 years when Cervantes was working on the second part of the novel, somebody else published a sequel to part one, a writer named Avellaneda. 


Zachary Davis: Cervantes had a few options for what to do. He could have stopped writing part two. He could have ignored the unauthorized sequel. But instead, he decided to incorporate this false sequel into hispart two of Don Quixote


Timothy Hampton: So as part two opens, Don Quixote is back in his village and Sancho Panza comes to visit him, and a neighbor comes to visit him and the neighbor says, “Have you heard? There's a story of The Adventures of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza written by someone called Avellaneda and it's incredibly popular. And it tells us that Don Quixote was a coward and that Sancho was a liar, and that this happened and this happened”, in which case Quixote says, “No! None of that happened.” 


Timothy Hampton: So now we have this kind of marvelous kind of, it's like playing three dimensional chess. Now there are two Don Quixotes running around in the world of the second half of Cervantes’s novel. There's the one that we read about, and then there's the one that Avellaneda wrote about, and Don Quixote has to prove to the world that he's the real one and not the one that you read about in the spurious sequel to part one. So everywhere he goes, he meets these people and they go, “Oh yeah, we read your story. We know all about you.” So now Cervantes gets into a really great problem, which is again a very contemporary problem, which is, what do you do when you don't have control over your own, as we would say now, you don't have control over your own narrative, when somebody else is telling your story for you and you and you need to claim that for yourself. I mean, this is a problem in the age of social media. This is the problem that we all face. 


Zachary Davis: Quixote has to prove that he is the real Quixote—not that other guy. He has to prove it to everyone else and he has to prove it to himself. As a result, part two of the novel is full of these deep existential questions where Don Quixote is interrogating his own identity. Meanwhile, the outside world is calling into question his adventures in part one.  


Timothy Hampton: And so now, Sancho and Don Quixote have to defend their own story—they have to defend not only themselves against the spurious version of their lives, but they have to defend themselves against the book that we have just read where we've been able to spot these kind of, you know, mistakes, logical mistakes in the plot. I mean, it's absolutely fantastic. And it simply gets wilder and wilder as the story unfolds. And it really becomes a kind of post-modern story which is all about, you know, multiple narratives, and how can you tell which one is which? It's like something out of a short story by Borges or, you know, some kind of novel by Philip Roth where you have narrators, on narrators, on narrators.


Zachary Davis: In the end, Don Quixote is challenged to a duel by his neighbor. Just like in part one, the neighbor is trying to get Don Quixote to give up this whole knight errant thing. So the neighbor says that if he beats Don Quixote, then Don Quixote has to give up being a knight and return to his village.


Timothy Hampton: And Don Quixote says, “Okay.” So they fight and Don Quixote is defeated and agrees to go back to his village. So at the end of the novel, they go back to their village, and he of course, falls ill and he's on his deathbed and everybody is around him and he's about to die. And on his deathbed, he renounces knight errantry. 


Timothy Hampton: And he says, “I'm no longer Don Quixote of La Mancha, but I am Alonso Quijano The Good, Alonso Quijano, whose customs and behavior have led him to be called the good. And I give up Don Quixote and I give up at knight errantry. And, you know, I am just who I am.” And with that, he dies. And then the narrator comes in and says, “For me, Don Quixote was born and I for him. His job was to act and mine was to write.” And then he hangs up his pen and says, “Now it's over.” 


Zachary Davis: Cervantes enjoyed writing these stories as much as Don Quixote enjoyed living them. But they both knew it couldn’t go on forever. 


Timothy Hampton: As the second half of the novel goes on, he has increasingly realized that the joke is getting thin and that, you know, it really isn't working anymore. And Don Quixote also realizes it, I mean, things happen to him and he just realizes that he's too old, he can't be a knight errant. As virtuous as he may be, and as well-intentioned as he may be, he's really ineffective. And you know, you can only be ineffective so many times before you realize that you're ineffective, right? 


Timothy Hampton: And so, he gives it up at the end, and it's very moving. I mean, I've taught this many times, and I once had a student who came to me and said, “I cried at the end of the novel. I said, ‘Don Quixote, don't do it. Don't give it up, you know, go back out on the road again.’” 


Zachary Davis: But Cervantes and Don Quixote weren’t the only ones the stories were for. They provided comfort and escape for readers in Spain at the time.


Timothy Hampton: And there really is this sense that the world of 17th century Spain is so brutal, that fictions of chivalry are the only thing that make it worthwhile, that make it magical or that give it any kind of ethical or moral content. 


Timothy Hampton: And so by the time you get to the end of the novel, you realize that in some way a life without fictions is really a life not worth living. And that's why Don Quixote dies after he gives it up.


Zachary Davis: So you mentioned at least the immediate influence of part one is that it was a bestseller and made him famous. Can you tell us about how it was immediately received and how would you try to convey to our listeners the cultural influence of this book? 


Timothy Hampton: It's certainly given us a kind of social type, right? I mean, you know, literature gives us social types. Machiavelli gives us the type of the Machiavel. Shakespeare gives us the type of Hamlet, the hesitant actor who we see not only in other works of literature, but in real life. So, Cervantes does give us this type of mad dreamer who, for all of his madness, nevertheless has a kind of virtue that he exercises and that puts the rest of the world to shame. So I think that's just a kind of cultural influence. 


Timothy Hampton: Within the history of literature, I think Cervantes does a number of things that are extraordinarily important. He invents this idea of the kind of self-conscious, playful, ironic novel where you have a narrator who interjects, who says, “Dear reader, this is happening, that's happening.” And when we think of the rise of the novel as the great literary genre of the modern age in the 17th century and then later, especially in the 18th century, for example, in writers like Fielding or Laurence Sterne, or Diderot in France, those people were all deeply indebted to Cervantes’s innovations in narration—that you could interrupt the narration and have the narrator come in and become a character. You could do all kinds of stuff. You could introduce a found manuscript in the middle of the story. All of that kind of inventiveness, I think, goes back to Cervantes. 


Timothy Hampton: And you know, we find it, of course, through much of modern literature, even up to the current day. If you read authors like Salman Rushdie or Milan Kundera, who's been very explicit about his great debt to Cervantes. And then the entire history of the Latin American Boom novel that came of age in the 1950s and 60s, we think of writers such as Gabriel García Márquez, the Mexican novelist Carlos Fuentes was obsessed with Cervantes and wrote a book about him, which hasn't been translated, but it's a very beautiful book called Don Quixote, or the Critique of Reading all of those great novelists from Latin America, Vargas Llosa, they're really under the sway of Cervantes in many ways.


Timothy Hampton: There's also, interestingly, a strong tradition in Eastern Europe. I mean, there's a famous statement by Dostoyevsky, which they put on the back of the Penguin Classics so you'll know that it's worth reading where he says, “This is the greatest expression of the human soul.” But it's not only Dostoyevsky, there's a great Russian writer named Bulgakov, who in his novel The Master and Margarita, is full of references to Don Quixote. Thomas Mann was obsessed with Cervantes. Kafka was obsessed with Cervantes. 


Zachary Davis: I mean, even the idea that something deeply comical could also be profoundly philosophical and metaphysical, so you can kind of have the pleasure of two levels, I mean, it's just a damn funny story, but is it about the possibilities of re-enchanting, a fallen modern world?


Timothy Hampton: That's the question, right? And in some ways. I mean, you're exactly right that it goes right to the heart of the problem of modernity, of what it means to live in a disenchanted world where old myths, old religions, I mean, certainly not for Cervantes, I mean, Cervantes is you know, a deep, deep, probably, a deeply believing Orthodox Catholic, I mean, that's not nothing close to being an Enlightenment atheist, but any moral system or any system of ethics that relies on a sense of the magical as all religions do, that relies on a sense of the divine, of something that we can't see, you know, when those kinds of systems become questioned, what can put them back? Who can put the genie back in the bottle?


Zachary Davis: Cervantes believed in the power and necessity of fiction. In Don Quixote, he gave us a character who refuses to accept the reality of his own time, and decides instead to live in a fictional world of his own making. He does so in order to find a place for himself and because he prefers the beauty and meaning of the world he imagines. But as the story progresses, Don Quixote succeeds in bringing more and more people into his fiction, and thus transforming his imagined vision into a new social reality.


Timothy Hampton: It invented a new way of thinking about time—that a character who is out of step with his time can also, in some ways, be ahead of it, even though he's behind it. I would think that is a new invention. It changed the way in which we think about our relationship to storytelling, and since we know that human beings are human beings because of the way they tell stories about themselves, about the people around them, any work of art that recalibrates how we think about storytelling is changing the world.


Zachary Davis: Writ Large is a production of Ximalaya. Writ Large is produced by Jack Pombriant, and me, Zachary Davis. Script editing is by Galen Beebe. We get help from Feiran Du, Ariel Liu, and Monica Zhang. Our theme song is by Ian Coss. Don’t miss an episode. Subscribe today in the Ximalaya app. Thanks for listening. See you next time.


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