11月30日播报 Military urged to strengthen recruitment and training of top talent

11月30日播报 Military urged to strengthen recruitment and training of top talent


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President Xi Jinping, also generalsecretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of theCentral Military Commission (CMC), delivers an important speech at a CMCconference on military-talent-related work in Beijing, Nov 26, 2021.[Photo/Xinhua]

President Xi Jinping has urged the Chinesemilitary to further improve its human resources work to recruit and train moretalented professionals to help achieve the military's key goals.

Xi, who is also general secretary of theCommunist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central MilitaryCommission, told a top-level military meeting on Friday in Beijing that humanresources are central to realizing the high-quality development of the militaryforces, winning modern warfare and competition in the military arena, accomplishinggoals set by the Party, and building the Chinese military as a world-classforce.

Speaking at the meeting held by the CentralMilitary Commission, Xi said that given the rapidly changing situations inglobal geopolitics, science and technology, and military development, theChinese armed forces must pay more attention to human resources work and raceagainst time to strengthen the work.

The president said service members'knowledge, skills and management must be upgraded, calling for more well-trainedprofessionals.

Xi ordered the military to make majorstrides in human resources modernization and big breakthroughs in training keyprofessionals.

Party organizations inside the armed forcesmust lead human resources work, which has an ultimate objective of havingsufficient professionals to enable the military to win wars.

The military must make sure its humanresources can support its competition in the cutting-edge military frontiersand meet the requirements of national security and military modernization,according to the commander-in-chief.

He said the military must rely on itself inrecruitment and training of professionals but can also take advantage of otherresources in society. He added that officers and soldiers should foster theirknowledge about science and technology and take part in more combat exercises.

The military must speed up efforts in thebuilding of first-class academies, assign professionals to positions that canbest utilize their expertise, designate more resources in the education andmanagement of professionals specializing in joint combat operations, newfighting domains, advanced technology and strategy. It should also make thebest use of noncommissioned officers and civilian employees, according to Xi.

He noted that political standards aresignificant in professionals' training and selection, and he called forpolitical education to be intensified.

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