The clouds potter在云中探险(外教全英)

The clouds potter在云中探险(外教全英)



                                                 The cloudspotter

His real name was Franklin. But everyone called him The Cloudspotter.

The Cloudspotter didn`t have many friends. It was just him and his clouds, always.

He would spend his days, all by himself, spotting...big clouds, squeaky clouds, sneaky pretend-they-can't-see-you clouds and angry clouds.

You see, The Cloudspotter didn`t just spot clouds. He spotted adventures in the sky. That way, he didn`t feel alone.

He could swim with giant jellyfish, drive racing cars, and be the KING OF THE CASTLE.

But one day everything changed. 

The Scruffy Dog came along. And she seemed to be looking for something, too. 

Was she after his clouds?

The Cloudspotter wasn`t happy. 

He wasn`t used to sharing his clouds with anyone.

But The Scruffy Dog didn`t seem to care.

Wherever the Cloudspotter went, that bothersome dog went matter what time of day...or night!

Before long, she was even playing along in his adventures.

And that, the Cloudspotter decided, wouldn’t do at all. It was time for the Scruffy Dog to go.

The Cloudspotter put his plan into action...

And, at last, he was alone again.

He should have been happy. He should have been pleased. However, something just didn't feel right. 

The Cloudspotter was LONELY.

Could it be, he wondered, that The Scruffy Dog had been searching for something else? 

Something like...a friend! 

Because, everyone knows, Two Cloudspotters are better than one... Especially when you are BEST FRIENDS!

  • 听友89668829


  • 麦吉丽_Cecilia


  • 听友34095031

  • 听友85538655


    英语启蒙马修老师 回复 @听友85538655: 您可以关注 微信公众号 “跟大熊玩英语” 里面还有很多外教好玩的视频哦!

  • 穿越111


  • 1397852rhlz


  • 蓝色梧桐草

  • 誓妮88


  • 偌偌一


    英语启蒙马修老师 回复 @偌偌一: 可以啊,一般孩子第一遍听中英大致了解故事意思,然后就听全英摸耳朵!

  • 彩虹五年1班
