【英文原声】How to apply social psychology in our daily lives?

【英文原声】How to apply social psychology in our daily lives?





This is David Myers here with you again, as we conclude this book, by looking at how social psychological principles are alive in the clinic, the courtroom and in the creation of a sustainable future. 
We begin in chapter 14 by applying social psychological principles to Clinical Psychology, which assesses and treats people with psychological difficulties. 

First, we will consider how accurate are the judgments and assessments of clinical psychologist?How might they be affected by phenomena we've considered in earlier chapters?
By, for example, illusory correlations. if a clinician expects and didn't see something or by hindsight bias or with overconfidence in their judgments, or with confirmation bias that leads clinicians to seek support, for their clinical intuition, and to be overconfident of it.

Second, we’ll consider the people who suffer psychological disorders such as depression. How does their thinking and their explanations of the events of their lives, create and sustain a depressed mood or loneliness, or anxiety, or sickness? 

Third, we'll ask how might social psychology inform the treatment of such people. Given that feelings often follow behaviour, might a clinician prescribe behaviour changes that boost people's feelings, might they train people to change their explanations, their attributions for the good and bad events of their lives? 

Finally, we'll consider the importance of close supportive relationships for a healthy and happy life. 


Next, in chapter 15, we’ll look at social psychological principles that operate in courtrooms.


We’ll begin with a look at the reliability of eyewitness testimonies, which can unintentionally become inaccurate when misinformation seeps in as shown by some dramatic experiments. 


And we'll see some ways to minimize errors in eyewitness recall. 


Next, we will look at individual jurors who are making judgments in court cases, how might their biases or their similarity to defendants affect their judgments? 


How well do they understand evidence such as statistical facts?


Finally, we will consider juries as groups and we'll consider how phenomena such as group polarization, group decision-making, and minority influence, can operate in juror groups. 


Our tour of social psychology concludes with chapter 16 as we ask how social psychology can help humanity create a sustainable climate future. 


Think about it, in 1960 the spaceship earth, carried 3 billion people with their 127 million motor vehicles.


Today, with 7.8 billion people and 1.3 billion motor vehicles, earth's climate is under assault as multiple scientific reports document greenhouse gases are accumulating and thus sea and air temperatures are rising.


The animal life is migrated northward or upward, snow and ice packs are melting, the seas are rising and extreme weather, fires, hurricanes, droughts, floods, is increasing. 


Social psychology’s contribution to a sustainable future is, first, to predict the psychological effects of climate change as people are displaced from their homes and at risk of conflict. 


Second, social psychology can help us understand how people form their understandings of climate change and how they can be educated and persuaded to support a more sustainable future by using new technologies and reducing consumption.


Finally, social psychology can help us appreciate that, the good life, human flourishing, is less a matter of material consumption than of satisfying, close relationships, supportive social networks and engaging activities.


And so, to conclude, I want to say what a great honour, it has been to share with you, my friends in China, the big lessons of social psychology, which has so much to teach us about our attitudes and behaviours, our beliefs and our Illusions, our prejudices and our willingness to help, and to create a better world. 


Thank you for joining me on this journey and my best wishes to you in your own journey of life.


