



Zachary Davis:Those of us living today generally think of ourselves as modern, that we live in modern times, and that we are very different from the people of the past. 


Zachary Davis:And yes, we might dress differently and have more impressive technology, but there is an important thing that we share with all humans who have come before—we ask ourselves big, hard questions about life, questions like how we should live and why the world is so full of suffering. 


Zachary Davis:Each era comes up with answers to these questions. And although sometimes the answers last a long time, they are never permanent. As times change, people demand new answers. 


Zachary Davis:In his 1966 bookThe Legitimacy of the Modern Age, German philosopher Hans Blumenberg explores the evolution of humanity's answers to our perennial questions.


Martin Jay:His ideas are extraordinarily complicated and in many cases, counterintuitive and based on an ability really to give the history of ideas a kind of dramatic intensity that is really quite remarkable. It's a book that is so rich that every time you go back to it you discover something new and realize how little you understood the first time around.


Zachary Davis:Welcome to Writ Large, a podcast about how books change the world. I’m Zachary Davis. In each episode, I talk with one of the world’s leading scholars about one book that changed the course of history. For this episode, I sat down with professor Martin Jay to discussThe Legitimacy of the Modern Age.


Zachary Davis:What should we know about Hans Blumenberg’s life and context that can help us understand the time that it emerges and the conversations it was part of?


Martin Jay:He was born in 1920 and grew up in Nazi Germany. His mother had come from a Jewish background, although she converted during his adolescence. 


Zachary Davis:Despite his Jewish heritage, Blumenberg was able to get an education, studying philosophy at both Paderborn University and Goethe University in Germany. But his studies were soon interrupted. 


Martin Jay:At the very end in 1944, 45, he was prevented from studying, was actually put in a work camp for a while, but was protected and never seriously damaged by the Holocaust. 


Zachary Davis:After WWII, Blumenberg resumed his studies in German and classical philology at the University of Hamburg.  


Martin Jay:He also had an opportunity to spend time in the Catholic seminary and learned a great deal of theology. And it took a while for him to make his mark. He was not one of the people who was, you know, part of the big discussion of how to deal with the Nazi past, how to deal with the German intellectual contribution to it. He was very much outside the political events of the 1960s. Ultimately, his teaching took him to Münster, which is a fairly provincial university where he spent the last years of his life; he dies in 1996. 


Zachary Davis:Blumenberg’s main interest was in the history of ideas, which he explored through changes in language, metaphor, and theology.  


Martin Jay:And so as a student of language, someone interested in rhetoric, someone interested in metaphor, he first, I think, entered the scene. He was part of a group also of very interesting scholars down in Konstanz around the, I guess it was a journal, or at least a kind of program called Poetics and Hermeneutics.


Martin Jay:And then in the mid-60s, he got into a polemic with Karl Löwith, although several other figures like Carl Schmitt, were involved, concerning the meaning of secularization and its alleged debt to Christian, or at least medieval, theology. 


Zachary Davis:Years earlier, in 1949, the German philosopher Karl Löwith published his bookMeaning in History, which examined the themes of modernity, progress, and secularization. Much of the discussion focused on the idea of legitimacy.


Martin Jay:Legitimacy means that it is, you know, something that is based on something that gives it a kind of recognition in the eyes of people who accept it. 


Martin Jay:So a legitimate child is one who has the authority of inheritance. A legitimate law is one that is followed by the people who see its promulgation as based on a kind of acceptance of the authority of those who make the laws. And so legitimacy is a very important concept. 


Zachary Davis:Löwith believed that the secular, non-religious modern age was not a legitimate age—it wasn’t, in fact, even a new age—because it wasn’t really secular. He argued the modern age was just a corroded continuation of medieval Christendom. 


Martin Jay:Secularization simply takes the content, the substance, of medieval Christian thought and robs it of transcendence, robs it of its divine, we might say, authority and simply adopts it without recognizing or acknowledging where it came from. It's like doing a cover of a musical performance without recognizing who was the original performer and who was the original composer. 

马丁·杰:世俗化并没有改变中世纪基督教思想的内容和主旨,但抹去了其中关于超越和上帝权威的部分。世俗化其实沿袭了很多基督教的思想,只是没有提及这些思想的出处。 就好像你翻唱了某首歌,但不告诉别人原唱和原作曲者是谁。

Zachary Davis:For Löwith, the modern age isnotlegitimate because it is a copy of Christendom, but without the substance of Christianity. 


Zachary Davis:Hans Blumenberg vehemently disagreed with Lowith and made his counter-argument in his book,The Legitimacy of the Modern Age’


Martin Jay:Now, Blumenberg’s argument is that this is a misunderstanding of the relationship between modernity and what preceded it. And the argument is that instead of a secularization, there is a reoccupation of the answers given to questions that are, in a way, perennial questions.  


Martin Jay:Basically these are questions that trouble humankind from a very early period, and which still trouble us. 


Martin Jay:Certain spaces are created by questions and you need an answer. And when the answer ceases to be successful, you have to reoccupy the answer position with a new answer, which functions for a while to satisfy our need for answers. 


Zachary Davis:Blumenberg believed there are certain questions that humans will always ask themselves. Questions like: why is there evil? What does it mean to act morally? What is our role in the universe? 


Zachary Davis:Blumenberg believed that each era comes up with its own answers to these questions. The answer occupies the space that the question created. When an answer stops working, people find a new one to replace it, or “reoccupy” its spot.


Martin Jay:Now what happens is that in a way, that new answer also begins to show its internal contradictions, or there is new evidence, or whatever it is that causes it no longer to function.


Martin Jay:So for example, a myth at one point would function to explain why lightning and thunder, you know, Zeus throws them down, whatever the myth was, and people say, “Okay, look, Zeus is angry.” But at a certain point, people said, “Wait a minute, it's not working for me. Let's come up with something else.” And so meteorology comes up with a better answer. So I think that's a paradigm of that, we might say. 


Zachary Davis:Blumenberg applied this same idea of a paradigm shift to Christianity, and secular modernity. 


Martin Jay:And so Christendom provides certain answers. And according to Blumenberg, these answers ultimately become unsatisfactory. They crumble of their own weight. They create a kind of vacuum, a need for a new answer. 


Martin Jay:And so modernity stumbles into new answers, which are still perhaps tentative, and this is the point that he makes, they’re not what we might call satisfactory, definitive, absolute answers which will prevent these questions from ever being asked again. And this is absolutely crucial that these are open ended. Modernity in a way is partly to be admired for its humility. It doesn't, according to Blumenberg, claim that it has all the answers to the questions that plague us. 


Zachary Davis:Blumenberg traces the emergence and evolution of answers to these perennial questions. He begins with the Gnostic tradition which comes out of Jewish and early Christian religious ideas. 


Martin Jay:Gnosticism says, “Look, what we have is a world which is corrupt, a world in which evil is rampant, a world in which it's extremely hard to think that a benign God would be its origin, and therefore what we need to do is to denigrate this world to escape this world, to take seriously only the world of transcendence, perhaps the world of the afterlife, the world that God makes. This world is created by an evil demiurge. This world is created by some other godlike figure that somehow had, you know, humankind as its target. And as a result, this world is not to be salvaged. There's no salvation in this world. Salvation only comes from leaving it behind.” 


Zachary Davis:The Gnostic answer to the problem of evil is that this world isn’t good and it’s not God’s fault, it’s an evil demiurge’s fault.


Martin Jay:Now, the Christian response to this is a kind of panic because God created this world, Christianity and of course, Judaism before it he argues, and he affirmed it. And he is himself, by definition, good. He is himself by definition, rational, wise, perfect. So the real issue is, well how do we then justify this lousy world? How do we then justify the evil that exists? So there are lots of answers, but Christianity comes up, basically, with two answers. 


Martin Jay:Christianity understands this cosmos as not evil, not filled with corruption, but on some deep level as inherently rational, and that if we only try hard enough through, let's say, scholastic means, we will understand the rationality of this world. And therefore we don't reject the world the way Gnosticism argues. We have a cosmic rather than acosmic relation. We accept the cosmos. 


Martin Jay:Now, the second premise that comes from Augustine, according to Blumenberg, is that the reason there is evil is because God gave man choice. God also created man at least after the fall, with original sin. And so the fact that we are free, the fact we have choice and the fact that we are sinners means that there is something in the world which is a kind of toxin, a poison, and we have to somehow, you know, if it's going to be a moral struggle, we have to basically deal with that. 


Martin Jay:And it's ultimately the difficulty of accepting the Augustinian response that creates in the threshold of modernity, a new crisis.


Zachary Davis:Augustine’s answer to the problem of evil was our God-given moral freedom. The world is full of evil, yes, but it is God’s plan that we can—and should—use our freedom to choose the good.


Martin Jay:Now, the great ingenuity of Blumenberg's argument is to say that ultimately this early Christian way of dealing with the Gnostic challenge fails—that it breaks apart. It breaks apart when it comes to the idea of the cosmic rationality that's inherited from, when in the, basically the 13th and 14th century, though it begins in the 12th, another aspect of divinity is stressed, which is the aspect of absolute power and God's capacity to will anything. 


Zachary Davis:This new emphasis creates a tension between the idea that, on the one hand, God created the cosmos, the cosmos are rational, and God has to play by those rules, and on the other hand, the idea that God is all powerful and doesn’t have to act rationally within the rational cosmos. 


Zachary Davis:That old paradoxical question: “Can God make a rock so big even he can’t lift it,” captures this tension.


Martin Jay:What becomes a kind of balance between God is rational, God is beholden to the cosmos that he has created, on the one hand, and God is absolutely capable of willing anything without rational, you know, somehow sanction on the other, that this ultimately is decided by a stress on will.


Zachary Davis:By stressing the will of humans, these medieval Christian theologians move the focus away from the rational cosmos and onto humans themselves.


Martin Jay:So in a sense, the cosmos becomes once again a place of rather frightening contingency of a kind of god who is absent from the world, a god whose providence doesn't decide what our fate will be. 


Martin Jay:Basically, what this does is create an opening. It creates a sense that the world is not simply to be contemplated, to be appreciated simply as inherently rational, but as contingent—leaving man both abandoned and with the opportunity to intervene in the world. Not simply to be passive, not simply to be worshipful in a contemplative way of a world which is inherently rational, but to act in the world, to be assertive in the world, to be capable of, in some sense, going into the world rather than simply admiring it in a kind of passive way. 


Martin Jay:The world is inherently a rather frightening place of meaninglessness because God's will is inexplicable to humans. God's will is so powerful and human capacity to understand it is so modest and limited, that we live in a world bereft, we might say, of the comfort of a world in which there are reasons for everything that we do. 


Zachary Davis:As a result, this world becomes very hard for us to make sense of. All that we can seem to understand on some level is howthe world works, not why the world works. 


Martin Jay:So this is a major, you might say, stepping back to step forward. It's a kind of acceptance of human limits, infinitude, in the service ultimately, of coping with the vastness of our ignorance by now, and this is the second part of Blumenberg's book, now unleashing human curiosity. 


Zachary Davis:Ok, a quick recap: Karl Löwith argued that the modern age is not legitimate because it is a copy of Christendom without the substance of Christianity. 


Zachary Davis:Blumenberg argued against this by saying that the modern age is legitimate because it proposes new answers to perennial human questions such as, why does evil exist?


Zachary Davis:Blumenberg continues his argument by exploring the role of human curiosity in the evolution of Christianity.


Martin Jay:In the part of the book called “The Trial of Curiosity”, Blumenberg points out that humans are not by nature curious, that we are culturally allowed to be or prohibited from being curious. And in both the ancient world and the world of Christianity, curiosity was considered a vice. It killed more than just cats. Why was this the case? Well, partly because the world had been, in a way, made by God. It was to be understood as somehow inherently rational. All we had to do is understand that we didn't have to experiment. We didn't have to break it apart to see how it worked.


Martin Jay:We simply had to appreciate what God had made. And secondly, we were given texts. We were given the authority of scripture. So what we had to do is read what God's word had told us to do. And curiosity would lead us astray. If you're curious, you're not reading those texts, you're going out and examining the world. 


Zachary Davis:The scriptures were believed to contain all the important answers to all the important questions. There was no point in asking your own big questions, much less trying to answer them. But, that wall of cultural incuriosity eventually began to crack.


Martin Jay:One of the ways in which curiosity is unleashed, and the trial we might say is won on the side of those who are curious, is there's an uncoupling of the idea of individual human salvation, from the idea of species wide trans-subjective curiosity which produces the scientific revolution. What does this mean? Well, according to Blumenberg, the idea of individual salvation, individual happiness, meant that the only thing you really had to do is to read the scripture and to follow God's word, follow his laws, and you would ultimately achieve salvation. And that's all that mattered. This is a very personal issue, and because it's personal, ends in a way with your death. 


Martin Jay:What the, let's call it, impersonal scientific revolution unleashed was the idea that there was a project, the human project, which existed after your individual death, after your alleged happiness or lack thereof, according to salvation, was decided. It was an endless project, a project that involved all of us in a kind of collective endeavor to make sense of the world as best we can to know its causes, to know how it worked, even though we never could understand ultimate purposes. 


Martin Jay:So it's a kind of limited, but endless quest. But it's a trans-suobjective and we might say species quest rather than individual quest. So curiosity becomes something that doesn't harm the individual, whose happiness is based on salvation, but rather is something which abets the human domination, we might say, of nature, or at least the mastery of the world outside. And that's part of the modern legitimation that we legitimate ourselves by this endless quest for a kind of trans-subjective knowledge, which allows us better and better, so we hope, to make sense of and to live comfortably in the world, which is inherently hostile. 


Zachary Davis:Yeah, the curiosity to me was that if you think that God is willing everything, you could imagine that being a comfort, if you thought he was sort of lovingly involved in your life and the life of your community and world. 


Zachary Davis:But in fact, they saw it as inscrutable and distant. And beyond the powers of reason to discern. So then you say, “Well, alright, so we're not up to the task with our reason. Nevertheless, we want to investigate and will use our desire to learn, to try to make sense of things, including the sense of the human project that we're a part of.”


Martin Jay:Right. I mean, it calls into question all the characteristics that were attributed to God. So lovingness, you know, or rationality or, the idea that God somehow had a benign plan. We don't know. God could be a deceiver. God could be not someone who inherently tells the truth, but could deceive. We just don't know. So it's a kind of ignorance. 


Martin Jay:Now there are people later, Descartes is one for example, who will say “No, no God couldn't be a deceiver. That's just not part of his nature.” But if God can, will anything and will is the crucial characteristic rather than anything else, then he can will to be, certainly from the human perspective, the deceiver. 


Martin Jay:And this is a kind of absent God, deus absconditus, who is a little scary. And of course, you know, the various expedience, I mean, predestination, although, of course, what the Calvinists understand is, we don't know if we are predestined or not. I mean, are we members of the elect? Well, we just don't know. So it's this ignorance that we just don't know.


Martin Jay:And so God's will, will do things that we simply can't explain. So it's scary. And it's both, as I said, it's an opportunity because we're now on our own. We have to basically deal with things as best we can. 


Zachary Davis:So if the secularization process, at least as most Western publics think of it today, the story they tell themselves is, “We believed in superstition for a very long time, and then we started looking for evidence. And without that evidence, we sort of grew up and rejected superstition and only believe in reason now.” And that that’s what marks the change from the medieval world to the modern world; science and elevation of reason. And is that simple story more or less the story that Schmitt, and Löwith and others were also saying, although in more sophisticated ways?


Martin Jay:Schmitt will argue that every political idea in the modern period is a secularized version of a certain notion of sovereignty, a certain notion of the absolute power of God. And Löwith will say that progress is the stolen version of Christian notions of eschatology. 


Martin Jay:And I think Blumenberg has very good answers to that without buying into that sort of ‘just so’ story that you described, that somehow we weaned ourselves, we became a-la-Kant, mature by getting rid of superstition, getting rid of priests and clerics, and we discovered that science and empiricism and all of what we construe as the skeptical, modern world view works better for us. 


Martin Jay:Blumenberg doesn't accept that. I mean, the point about the reoccupation argument is that there isn't a radical break between the modern and the pre-modern. What we do is basically come up with fragile, but perhaps for a while, answers to these questions. Why is there evil? Why is there something rather than nothing? You know, all these basic questions that still trouble us.


Zachary Davis:According to Blumenberg, our modern era is legitimate because we’re looking for answers to these perennial questions the same way the pre-modern era did. He doesn’t think we’ll ever arrive at a final truth, since these questions will always be with us, but our fragile and temporary answers provide us with some provisional stability to carry on. 


Zachary Davis:It sounds like it's not just an affirmation that the modern age has a right to its own narrative. What is he really hoping to convince his readers of, if it's more complex than the modern age is pretty good, you know, it's all right.


Martin Jay:Well, one thing we can't do is go back. So, let's say a Heidegerian notion of the recovery of being which has been forgotten. Or Löwith’s idea that we can go back to a certain stoic understanding of nature. The desire to somehow recover the comfort, really, of a world that we've become alienated from. 


Martin Jay:So Blumenberg at least tells us that there's no going back and that we can't recover anything that was organically whole. And he does that partly by showing that from the get go, all of these alleged moments of great tranquility and synthesis, were themselves riven with conflicts. So this will vs reason. You know, this is very corrosive. I mean the Middle Ages is a period of great turmoil intellectually, theologically. It's not a period in which there is this happy consensus that everybody believes in the same thing, let alone heretics and Jews and people of other faiths who happen to be in Europe. 


Martin Jay:I mean, all this is a kind of clear nostalgia for something which didn't exist. And one of the fascinating things that he points out is that Christianity from the get go is trying to deal with a Pagan past. It wasn't simply itself a clean rupture. It was very much from, you know, neo-platonic and other moments in early Christianity trying to incorporate ideas and attitudes from a past which was Pagan and therefore problematic. And how you combined Athens and Jerusalem was always a problem.


Martin Jay:So there is always a kind of, you might say, always already riven contestatory quality in the alleged age of wholeness. So our age, which is supposedly an age of meaningless alienation, whatever, is not that different. 


Zachary Davis:How does Blumenberg think about the meaning of history? Or, you know, a directionality even? I mean, it sounds like he thinks there's always just a complex swirl of ideas that are trying to answer these seemingly perennial questions. 


Martin Jay:Well, it's a difficult question because he keeps his cards very close to his chest. So this is clearly not a grandiose philosophy of history. It's not a meta narrative in which we're going in one direction, eschatological, or the secular version of eschatological improvement, it's not also a messianic idea that somehow there'll be an intervention into history, and that salvation will come from some sort of kairos which will allow, you know, a figure or something messianic to interrupt history. He doesn't buy into that. So he's very interested in theology, but I don't think he is himself explicitly a believer in any particular theology. 

马丁·杰:这是一个很难回答的问题,布鲁门贝格将自己的想法收掩得很好。 他的观点显然不是一个宏大的历史哲学;也不是一种元叙事,可以简单地用末世论或世俗化末世论来概括;也不是弥赛亚式的观念,认为历史可以被干预,在救世主或其它伟人干预历史的关键时刻,人类将获得救赎。他并不认同这个观点,他对神学感兴趣,但我并不认为他信奉特定的神学教义。

Martin Jay:So basically, what you get in Blumenberg is a sense that there are some eras that are enormously fecund or rich in dealing with perennial issues. The answers they give are complicated, serious, imaginative, worth taking seriously, but always somehow inadequate. So it's not quite a cyclical view of history, but it is certainly a reoccupation argument so that you get questions, you get answers, those answers are never quite satisfactory, you get a reoccupation. Maybe the next answer lasts a bit longer. But, for example, the idea of myth being replaced, it won't be. There's always going to be myth. There's always going to be language which is rhetorical, or metaphoric rather than, let's say, scientific and absolute.


Martin Jay:Now, this is not a failure. It's not as if well, we should then despair, because we've created some extraordinary things through myth and metaphor and storytelling and anecdotes, and God knows what else. I mean, it's very rich. And that's why we have to continue, he would argue, to work on myth. That's why we have to take metaphor seriously and see that they've helped us in some way to make sense of the world. 


Martin Jay:And therefore it's a, Sisyphean in a negative way to put it, but it's a task which is not ever going to end with some sort of stasis. And I think that's, you know, I find that myself attractive. I find it realistic. I find it somehow true to my own experience of what we as human beings try and often fail, but nonetheless occasionally in our limitations, nonetheless create. And you know, it's in some ways, I think to that extent, worth taking seriously, not as a, I don't know what, he's not a charismatic leader. This is not going to create a doctrine that one can follow, but as something which at least intellectuals who can spend the time to make sense of his writing will, you know, be, I think, inspired by. 


Zachary Davis:What influence do you think it's had on fields or scholars in general? What do you think is the main contribution that people take from it, that they integrate into their work?


Martin Jay:Well, there are substantive issues, such as the issue of whether or not reoccupation is better than transposition in terms of the secularization argument. The argument about the trial of curiosity is fabulous. 


Martin Jay:His larger work on metaphorology has had an impact. People understand, now, metaphor, and people, a lot of people, Derrida, many people have written about metaphor. But Blumenberg is one of the great theorists of metaphor. And what's interesting is that it's an ology of metaphor, that is to say it's a logos, we might say, of metaphor. So it's a kind of scientific or at least reflexive understanding of terminology that is rhetorical. 


Martin Jay:So he's one of these figures who is at the, we might say, crossroads of rhetoric and scientific or philosophical language. He's someone who understands the importance of pre-reflexivity, a world which is before our ability to make it conceptually available. He's one of these people who makes respectable, once again, the dialogue between theology, philosophy and science. 

马丁·杰:布鲁门贝格是同时研究修辞学和系统语言学,或者说哲学语言学的代表人物之一。他深刻理解前反身性的重要性,理解这个世界在被人类赋予意义之前的内涵。 他是融汇贯通神学、哲学和科学的重要学者之一。

Martin Jay:So Blumenberg is, you know, I would say, a slow but steady influence. There are lots of translations. There's a new anthology of his work that's come out, books about him are beginning to appear in many different languages. So I would say Blumenberg is worth paying attention to. And although he'll never be as sexy as Derrida or Foucault, or Lacan, I mean, this is, you know, a very, very dry German philosophical style. There's nothing spectacular about it. He's not a charismatic figure.


Martin Jay:But his prose and his argumentation, his range of reference, you know, you’re really in the presence of somebody who earns your respect. And for at least some of us, that's worth the price of admission.


Zachary Davis:Writ Large is a production of Ximalaya. Writ Large is produced by Jack Pombriant, and me, Zachary Davis. Script editing is by Galen Beebe. We get help from Feiran Du, Ariel Liu, and Monica Zhang. Our theme song is by Ian Coss. Don’t miss an episode. Subscribe today in the Ximalaya app. Thanks for listening. See you next time.


  • 春儿_rC

    收听笔记: 书中说:人的原罪,具有自由选择权利,以及对世界好奇心的审视,是造成世界无序,混乱,产生邪恶的的根源。 上帝的无所不能,理性,正确性,人们无需多言,只要接受就好,宗教信仰,对人的限制,规范,和惩戒 以上二者之间的矛盾,怎么去化解,平衡,,,,

  • 春儿_rC
