The Oak

The Oak


The Oak

-by Michael Collins

A tree’s leaves in the fall
are some orange, some red
and for a small bird
they make quite a bed

The branches of trees
are some curved; some straight
and some even form
a small figure eight

The trunk of the tree
is the base of itself
quite like in a library,
a rusty old shelf

The roots of the tree
go deep, deep down
like a buried treasure
never to be found

Trees need sunshine,
water, and dirt
without these things
they could get hurt

Trees can do things
that I wish I could
If you’re looking for one
I’d check in the woods!

点评:由小到大,由表入里,叶后写枝,枝后写干,干下有根,第五小节升华,写树离不开阳光水分和土壤。如果你听到 dirt ,也一下子心里起疑:为什么 抛开更常用更合适的 soil, earth, 而用了dirt ?听到 hurt,你就恍然大悟了。为了押韵呀!


这首诗用词浅白,dirt hurt 就是明证。清新可爱,无陈腐气。写作结构也很值得学习哦。 

