180. Copycat Copycat(巩固训练)

180. Copycat Copycat(巩固训练)


Lucy had a cat. His name was Pirate. Pirate was 14 years old. Fourteen is old for a cat. "What can I do?" Lucy asked her dad. "Pirate is old. He will die soon. I will miss him so much." Dad said, "Why don't you clone him? They will make a brand new Pirate for you. It will look like Pirate. It will walk like Pirate. It will meow like Pirate. It will love you like Pirate. But it will be a kitten. It won't be an old cat. It will be a new kitten. You can have a new Pirate for 14 more years." "Dad," said Lucy, "that's a great idea. Then, when my new Pirate is 14, I can get another new Pirate!"
露西有一只猫。他的名字叫 "海盗"。海盗当时14岁。对于一只猫来说,14岁已经很老了。"我能做什么?" 露西问她爸爸。"海盗已经老了。他很快就会死。我会非常想念他的。" 爸爸说,"你为什么不克隆他呢?他们会给你制造一个全新的海盗。它将看起来像海盗。它将像海盗一样走路。它将像海盗一样喵喵叫。它将像海盗一样爱你。但它将是一只小猫。它不会是一只老猫。它将是一只新的小猫。你可以再拥有14年的新海盗。" "爸爸,"露西说,"这是个好主意。然后,当我的新海盗14岁时,我就可以得到另一个新海盗!"
years old岁; 年龄 ; 当我八岁时
so much和…一样多 ; 就只那么多 ; 多少
brand new全新的; 崭新的
for you为了你; 为你 ; 给你
look like 看起来与相像或相似; 很可能出现或引起
meow喵; 猫叫
love you 爱你; 醉后决定爱上你 ; 英
great idea极好的主意
Amy needed to stay awake for 24 hours. It was easy at first. She did what she usually does. She went to school. She went to piano practice. She did her homework. She did her chores. She spent time with friends. It started getting hard at midnight. Her parents were sleeping. Her friends were sleeping, too. She didn't know what to do. She turned on the T.V. There was nothing interesting. She read more of her textbook. That was making her more sleepy. Amy was getting desperate. She went to the kitchen. She made herself coffee. She drank three cups. She was now wide awake.
awake 醒着 ; 醒来 ; 唤起 ; 被唤起
at first 最初;起初;开始时
went to 相当于 ; 付出
chores 日常事务 ; 例行工作 ; 令人厌烦的任务 ; 乏味无聊的工作 ; chore的复数
at midnight 在午夜
what to do 做什么 ; 怎么办 ; 怎麽办
textbook 教科书 ; 课本 ; 教材 ; 规范的 ; 标准的
sleepy 困倦的 ; 瞌睡的 ; 安静的 ; 冷清的 ; 不热闹的
desperate 不惜冒险的,不顾一切的,拼命的 ; 绝望的 ; 孤注一掷的 ; 铤而走险的 ; 非常需要 ; 极想 ; 渴望
drank 喝 ; 饮 ; 喝酒 ; 酗酒 ; drink的过去式
Joanne had a blue backpack. She had it for a month. It was not that nice. It was popular last year. This year backpacks were out. All the popular girls had bags. The rich girls had designer bags. Only guys had backpacks now. Joanne still had a backpack though. A mean girl made fun of her. Joanne turned red. She felt so bad. She threw away her backpack at home. Her mom saw it in the trashcan. She asked Joanne what was wrong. Joanne explained what had happened. "You shouldn't throw it away. Be unique," her mom said. Joanne thought her mom was right. She got back the backpack.
Joanne 乔安妮(女子名,Joanna和Joan的异体)
backpack 背包, 箱形背包 ; 背包旅行
last year 去年 ; 上年 ; 那个俱乐部去年解散了
backpacks 背包, 箱形背包 ; backpack的复数
threw 投 ; 掷 ; 抛 ; 扔 ; 摔 ; 丢 ; 猛推 ; 使劲撞 ; throw的过去式
at home 像在家一样舒适自在;无拘束
trashcan <美>垃圾桶
Mr. Ramirez wanted his students to feel comfortable in class. That was his number one goal. He felt like he was doing a good job. There was one quiet student. He had no friends. He did not do class presentations. He never raised his hand. His name was Brandon. Everyone called him QB. It stands for Quiet Boy. Mr. Ramirez just wanted to see him smile. He tried telling him a joke. QB did not laugh. He just continued reading his book. Mr. Ramirez tried telling a funny story. QB did not laugh. Mr. Ramirez showed his pretty paintings. QB smiled. Mr. Ramirez was happy. He found out that QB had artistic talents.
Mr. 先生
Ramirez 拉米雷斯
in class 在上课 ; 在上课中
number one 头号人物 ; 最重要的人 ; 最好的人 ; 周销售量最高的流行歌曲 ; 自己 ; 头号的 ; 最重要的 ; 最好的
did not 没有 ; 未 ; 的缩写
Brandon 布兰登
smiled 微笑 ; 笑 ; 微笑着说 ; 微笑地表示 ; 现出 ; smile的过去分词和过去式
found out 发现 ; 猜着 ; 想出 ; 揭发
Madison recently got her driving license. She is happy. She has a lot of freedom now. She can go anywhere. She doesn't have to walk to school anymore. She can drive to her friends' house. Madison has a younger sister named Lisa. Lisa is 14 and has school at eight o'clock in the morning. Madison's parents asked her to drive Lisa to school every morning. "Why do I have to wake up?" Madison asked. "Having a license means having more responsibilities," her mom replied. Her parents also asked her to pick up groceries. Madison did not like having a license anymore.
麦迪逊最近拿到了她的驾驶执照。她很高兴。她现在有了很大的自由。她可以去任何地方。她不必再步行去学校了。她可以开车去她的朋友家。麦迪逊有一个妹妹叫丽莎。丽莎今年14岁,早上八点要上学。麦迪逊的父母要求她每天早上开车送丽莎去学校。"为什么我必须要起床?" 麦迪逊问。"有驾照意味着有更多的责任,"她妈妈回答。她的父母还要求她去买菜。麦迪逊不喜欢有执照了。
driving license 驾驶执照
a lot of 许多
have to 必须 ; 不得不 ; 劝告或建议时用 ; 表示一定真实或肯定发生
drive to 通向…的路
younger sister 妹妹 ; 阿妹 ; 小妹妹
in the morning 第二天上午;次日上午
every morning 每天早晨
wake up 醒 ; 醒来 ; 唤醒 ; 弄醒 ; 激起 ; 唤起
pick up 拿起 ; 提起 ; 拾起 ; 捡起 ; 使慢慢站起 ; 接载

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