112. His Leg Hurts(巩固拓展训练版)

112. His Leg Hurts(巩固拓展训练版)


There was something wrong with his leg. It burned. But it burned in one spot only. He didn't know what was wrong. The spot was smaller than a dime. It was on the back of his leg. He picked up a hand mirror. He used the hand mirror to look at the back of his leg. He saw a small lump. He put his finger on the lump. The lump was hard. It wasn't a soft lump. The lump felt like a small stone. It was like a small stone under his skin. But it was like a small stone that was on fire. It burned. Something was wrong. He needed to see a doctor.
something wrong 岔子
on the back of 紧跟着; 紧接着
look at 看; 考虑
back of 在…后面;在…背后
on fire 热情似火;激动万分;激情澎湃 ; 着火;起火;在燃烧
see a doctor 看医生; 瞧病
The Water Slide at the Amusement Park
Betty and Brian go to the amusement park. It is hot and sunny. They want to cool off. They see a water slide. There is a long line. Everyone wants to get wet. Betty and Brian finally reach the front of the line. They get into their bathing suits. They go down the slide. They are completely wet.
amusement park 游乐场 ; 娱乐园
want to 应该
cool off 变凉 ; 凉快下来
water slide 水滑道
There is 有
get wet 弄湿 ; 沾湿
get into 成功涉足 ; 考入,进入 ; 使行为异常 ; 使着魔
bathing suits 游泳衣 ; 泳装 ; bathing suit的复数
go down 下降,下跌 ; 跪下 ; 趴下 ; 被打败 ; 引起…反响
Keeping a Diary
Dorothy has a diary. It has a pink cover. It is four inches in length. It is three inches in width. It has 200 pages. There are lines on the pages. She writes in it every day. She writes about how she is feeling. She writes about what happened in school. Sometimes, she draws in her diary.
Dorothy 多萝西
diary 记事簿 ; 日记 ; 日记簿
in length 长度
There are 有 ; 可数名词的复数形式 ; 许多重要事情要谈
writes 书写 ; 写字 ; 写作 ; 作曲 ; 编写 ; 写信 ; write的第三人称单数
every day 每日
what happened 发生什么事了 ; 发生了什么事 ; 怎么了
in school 在求学
draws 画,描绘,描画 ; 拖 ; 拉 ; 牵引 ; 拉,拖 ; 吸引
Trying on Shoes
He goes to a shoe store. He sees a pair he likes. It is black and white. He tries it on. It is too tight. He asks if there is a bigger size. There is not. He looks at the other shoes. He sees another pair he likes. It is bright yellow. He tries it on. It fits perfectly.
sees 看见 ; 见到 ; 看出 ; 看得见 ; 看 ; 有视力 ; 观看 ; see的第三人称单数
a pair 一对;一双;一对搭档;一副
black and white 白纸黑字,黑白片,单色
tries 试图 ; 想要 ; 设法 ; 努力 ; 试 ; 试用 ; 试做 ; 试验 ; 审理 ; 审讯 ; 审判 ; try的第三人称单数
asks 问 ; 询问 ; 要求 ; 请求 ; 恳求 ; 征求 ; ask的第三人称单数
there is 有
There is not 无;没有;没
bright yellow 嫩黄
fits 突发,发作 ; 昏厥 ; 痉挛 ; 一阵 ; 发作,冲动 ; 适合
A Lot of Pants
She has a lot of pants. She has two pairs of jeans. One of them is light blue. The other one is navy blue. She has two pairs of formal pants. One of them is khaki. The other one is gray. She has two pairs of casual pants. One of them has flowers on it. The other one has hearts on it. She wears pants every day.
a lot of 许多
One of …之一
light blue 淡青色
navy blue 海军蓝的 ; 深蓝的 ; 深蓝色,藏青色
pairs of 成双作对
on it 大量喝酒
every day 每日
Chili Sauce Lover
He eats noodles. It is plain. He adds chili sauce. He tries the noodles. It tastes a lot better. He starts to put chili sauce in everything. He puts chili sauce on french fries. He puts chili sauce in soup. He puts chili sauce on egg rolls. He even puts chili sauce on rice.
eats 小吃 ; 吃 ; 吃饭 ; 用餐 ; eat的第三人称单数
noodles 面条 ; noodle的第三人称单数和复数
chili sauce 辣味番茄沙司,辣酱油
a lot 常 ; 许多
chili 辣椒
sauce 调味汁 ; 酱 ; 讨厌的话 ; 无礼的话 ; 调味或加沙司于… ; 给…增加趣味或风味 ; 〈非〉对…无礼
french fries 炸薯条
Claire Reads a Book
Claire is 5 years old. She watches a lot of TV. Her parents want her to read more. She likes the TV too much. Her moms asks her to read a book. She says no. Her mom asks her to read a picture book. She says no. Claire's dad asks her to read books. She says no. Her dad asks her to read a book about Barbie. She says no. Her parents force her to read. Claire cries. Claire's teacher asks her to read. She says no. Claire's older sister has an idea. She gives her a book based on a movie. Claire reads it.
Claire 克莱尔
years old 岁 ; 年龄 ; 当我八岁时
a lot of 许多
too much 过分
read a book 读书
no. 号码 ; 北方 ; 北部
picture book 画册 ; 图画书
cries 哭 ; 哭泣 ; 喊叫 ; 呼喊 ; 呼叫 ; 发出刺耳的叫声 ; 嗥叫 ; 吠 ; cry的第三人称单数
based on 以……为基础;在……基础上,以……为依据
reads 识字 ; 阅读 ; 读懂 ; 读 ; 朗读 ; 读到 ; 查阅到 ; read

  • 游荡的多宝鱼


  • 疯狂学英语

    His leg hurts 他的腿疼

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  • Journey_ys
