


The recent increase in the price of vegetables in China has reached its peak, with prices of leafy greens in particular seeing an obvious decline in many areas of the country, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs said on Thursday.

Tang Ke, director of the ministry's market and economic information department, said vegetable production in North China has generally returned to normal levels thanks to good weather since mid-October.

"The falling prices of spinach and lettuce in some areas reflect the improving supply and demand situation," Tang said, adding that more and more vegetables are going to the market.

Since late September, rising vegetable prices in China have raised concerns among consumers, and some leafy greens were described as more expensive than pork.

The average wholesale price of 28 kinds of vegetables in October monitored by the ministry was 5.25 yuan (82 cents) per kilogram, an increase of 16.7 percent from September and a year-on-year increase of 11.7 percent.

The decreasing market volume due to disastrous weather, higher production and transportation costs, and insufficient power supply are among the main reasons for the surge in prices.

"The northern region has suffered unpredictable, even unprecedented, autumn floods since September, resulting in damage to more than 130,000 hectares of vegetables," Tang said.

He added that the recent sporadic COVID-19 local outbreaks also posed challenges, from production to retail.

The current vegetable production and the supply during the Spring Festival holiday will be at a healthy level because only the production of some leafy vegetables has been affected.

It's estimated that in three months, the amount of vegetables will be enough to adequately supply every person in China with 1.5 kilograms per day.

"Vegetables were expensive last week, with broccoli priced at 20 yuan per kilogram. I found it dropped a little bit today; now, it's only 12 yuan. That's great," a resident in Beijing's Chaoyang district said on Wednesday.

Officials at the ministry said the supply of food being sold in the supermarket was sufficient even when the epidemic was at its highest point last year.

"Our grain production is abundant, and stocks are sufficient. We can buy whatever we want, whenever we want in the supermarket," said Liu Lihua, deputy director of the ministry's plantation management department.

Qin Yuyun, an official with the National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration, said the domestic food market supply is completely ensured. The current grain inventory in China is at a relatively high level, and the two major staples-wheat and rice-account for more than 70 percent of the total inventory, he said.

"Taking wheat as an example, the stocks continue to increase, and can meet the consumption demand for one and a half years amid the successive bumper harvests," Qin said.

Given the strong capacity of processing grain and oil, "the daily processed rice and noodles will be enough for all Chinese people to eat for two days", Qin said.

Moreover, China has more than 5,500 enterprises for grain processing to deal with emergencies, he said.

"Thirty-six large and medium-sized cities can ensure more than 20 days of grain and edible oil supply from their inventories," he added.


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  • HAHA大人

    district: n. 地区,区域;行政区,辖区; dupty: n. 代理人,副手,副职;代表,议员;(美国协助地方治安官办案的)警官plantation: n. (尤指热带的)种植地,农园;人工林场,苗木场;殖民地,新开垦地;普兰泰申市(美国佛罗里达州城市名)inventory: n. 详细目录,清单;存货,库存;盘货,存货盘点staples: n. (某国的)主要产品,支柱产品;主食;主要部份,重要内容;<史>(特定商品的)贸易中心;订书钉;U 形钉;(棉花、羊毛的)纤维(长度和细度)

  • HAHA大人

    Leafy: adj. (植物)多叶的;长满树木的;(植物)阔叶的;叶状的;由树木构成的 surge: n. 激增,猛增;(风、水等的)奔涌,汹涌;(情感的)涌起,翻涌;(人群的)蜂拥;电流急冲,电涌;增兵,增援 v. 急剧上升,激增;(人群,自然力)汹涌,奔腾;(感情)涌起,涌现;(电压,电流)猛增,浪涌;(绳子,缆索,绞盘)突然松开,突然滑脱 unprecedented: adj. 前所未有的,史无前例的;(大小、数量、程度等)前所未知的,空前的 hectare: n. 公顷 sporadic: adj. 零星的;分散的;不定时发生的 broccoli: n. 花椰菜;西兰花

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