What Science Says About Eating Right
Do you get confused by what seems like constantly changing advice on what to eat and what not to eat.Nutrition professor Marion Nestle writes in Scientific American that some things don't change.She says basic dietary principles for our weight-conscious society are not in dispute:eat less; move more; eat fruits, vegetables and whole grains; and avoid too much junk food.She says “Eat less” means consume fewer calories, which translates into eating smaller portions and steering clear of frequent between-meal snacks.“Move more” refers to the need to balance calorie intake with physical activity.Eating fruits, vegetables and whole grains provides nutrients unavailable from other foods.Avoiding junk food means to shun “foods of minimal nutritional value”—highly processed sweets and snacks laden with salt, sugars and artificial additives.Some good rules to live and eat by.饮食与营养 我们到底该吃什么?
“该吃什么,不该吃什么”这一永恒变幻的话题是否让你感到困惑?营养学专家马里昂·奈斯德(Marion Nestle)在《科学美国人》杂志发表的文章称,有的饮食原则没有变化。她表示,在这个在意体重的社会,一些基本的饮食原则还是没有争议的:少吃,多动,多吃蔬菜、水果和谷物;少吃垃圾食品。她还说,“少吃”意味着摄入的热量少,也就是减少摄入的食物,远离零食。“多动”指的是通过运动消耗体内所摄入的热量。多吃水果、蔬菜和谷物可以补充其他食物中没有的营养元素。少吃垃圾食品是指避开“没有营养价值的食物”——甜点和小吃等高度含糖、盐和人工添加剂的食品。养成好的生活和饮食习惯。
Jenseul_yeon 回复 @Asaiah: 美式怎么了……不爱听可以不听啊