


Who in their right mind would travel alone to 196 countries? When someone finds out  I've done something that no other woman on this planet has done, and broken two Guinness World Records, they usually have a few questions for me.


They want to know how I pulled it off, what my experience was like, and why I even did it in the first place? Today, I'm excited to share with you how it took me three years to plan and raise money for the 18-month trip, what my experience was like traveling alone as a woman,and I'm going to talk about something I've never talked about publicly before: the real reason why I did this expedition.


So how did I do it? 196 countries sounds easy enough, right? I knew this expedition was going to be a huge endeavour, and the first step was figuring out all the rules for breaking a Guinness World Record.


There are so many rules, both big and small, like how I was only allowed to take scheduled public transportation to and from each country. I wasn't allowed to drive a car while in the Guinness clock and there were limitations as to how far I could travel in a taxi.



I also had to prove that I'd been in each country, which is harder than you think. Many countries throughout Europe and Central America don't stamp passports, so I had to find different ways  to document everything. I collected photos, videos, countless tickets, GPS coordinates, signed witness statements, credit card bills, and even phone logs. Next time you go to North Korea, you can forget about bringing your phone.


They don't stamp passports,  you can't use your credit card, and Kimxxx is not going  to give you an autograph. You can, however, send the pre-approved propaganda postcard.showing a fist crushing the pentagon. And then there was the most challenging rule of all: I wasn't allowed to spend more than 14 days in the country.


This didn't seem like a big deal at first, but I wasn't always able to predict when I'd receive my visas. This rule almost ended my expedition in country number 196:Yemen.


First, the U.S. Embassy wouldn't let me in due to high terrorist activity in Yemen, and then the Oman authorities wouldn't let me out due to the situation in Yemen. I faced a major risk of being stuck on the mainland of Yemen. But after two attempts of trying to cross the border, I watched in the night as the rusted steel gates pushed back. And I was finally let back into Oman.


But then the challenge came:How do I pay for this expedition? Most people think that I must be rich or that I'm just this young blond American girl, leisurely traveling the world, not having to do a single day of work. But they couldn't be more wrong. I didn't grow up in a family with a lot of money. In fact, I had to put myself through college, and I wasn't able to finish my degree because I couldn't afford it. So I knew that with this expedition I'd have to find creative ways with having to figure out how to fund it.


I spent countless hours developing business plans, finding financial backers, vlogging, filming an educational documentary so that I could pay for it all on my own. Remember the time and effort it took you to plan your last vacation?


Now imagine doing it 196 times and all on your own. What I thought would take me  six months to plan actually took me three years.

想像一下要计划196次, 而且全部自己完成,我以为我需要花6个月来计划,结果却花了我3年的时间。

So what was it like? In four words: It was exhilarating, it was exhausting, it was scary, and it was eye-opening. Whether you've been to five countries or 150, you probably have your own personal, unique experience related to each place.


We all have our own way of traveling and discovering a culture, and it doesn't matter what you see or where you go; what matters is your own experience while you're there. Some people think that only spending a week or an hour in a country,doesn't allow you enough time to see it but if there is one thing I know to be true, it's that just one brief experience can shape your whole life.


It was 11 p.m. on a Saturday night when I arrived in Cuba. After traveling 12 miles in a taxi, I realized I only had 20 dollars cash on me. Cuba didn't accept U.S. debit or credit cards, so when I got to the hotel, I was unable to pay the hotel or the taxi driver.


I was so ashamed of the mistake that I'd made. I rarely cry, but that night I just sat on the side of the road and completely broke down. The taxi driver came over to me and said something like, "Yo tengo tres hijas. Yo entiendo. Ven."

我对于这个错误感到非常丢脸,我很少哭,但那个晚上我却坐在路边崩溃地大哭,计程车司机走过来,对我说"Yo tengo tres hijas. Yo entiendo. Ven."

And with my broken Spanish, I understood that to be something like:"I have three daughters. I'd hate for them to be in your position. You can come stay with my family for the night." At first I refused, but then sheepishly agreed. I didn't know what his wife would think of him bringing home a young, blond American girl at midnight.


But when we arrived to their little concrete home, she greeted me with a kiss on the cheek and made the bed for me. It wasn't until the next morning when I saw her sleeping on a one-inch thick foam pad on the kitchen floor with a floral sheet draped over her. She had given me her own bed to sleep in.


I had experiences  like this over 196 times. I had just a taste of what every country in the world is like, which for most people is unimaginable. I know that non-muslim women can enter Saudi Arabia alone and without covering their heads. I know that you can swim with whales in Tonga, and that you can cross the Drake Passage to Antartica in 60-mph winds and 30-foot waves only to find tranquility and penguins on the other side.

我有超过196次以上 类似这样的经验,关于这世界上其他的国家我仅仅知道了一点点,却是大部分人们难以想像的,我知道非穆斯林的女人可以单独进入沙乌地阿拉伯,而且不需要面罩与头巾。在东加王国,你可以跟鲸鱼一起游泳,还有在时速60英里的狂风 及30英尺高的海浪下,跨越德瑞克海峡到南极大陆之后,发现另一端只有宁静的氛围和企鹅。

These experiences will forever shape my view of the world. But while this expedition was exhilarating, it was also quite exhausting.


I spoke to over 16,000 students on countless issues. I collected water samples and planted trees to offset my carbon footprint. I met with mayors and ministers and filmed an educational documentary.

我对超过16,000个学生 演讲过无数个议题。我收集了许多水的样本和种树,来弥补我所制造的碳足迹,我见了许多市长及部长拍摄了教育性质的纪录片。

And I used social media as a means to showcase the beauty of countries around the world,and encourage others to travel in ways that they never had before.


But what you don't see on Instagram is the constant exhaustion of working 15-hour days or the raw fear that I felt. I was a woman traveling alone. And many countries that I traveled to were either inaccessible or dangerous or both.


Imagine arriving to border control at 2:00 in the morning in Mogadishu, Somalia, and then getting into an armed vehicle surrounded by pick-up trucks filled with men with machine guns.


Then imagine passing through four security gates just to get to the compound,and then them showing you to your room and then nonchalantly pointing out the safe room where you go in case you hear an explosion. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to tell my family if I'd be coimg home or when, and we all knew that it was a possibility that I wouldn't make it back safely.


But I wouldn't trade these experiences for the world. They were hard and scary, yes. But I discovered the goodness in people all around the world. Because of my expedition, I've been featured in tons of news channels around the world, and hundreds of thousands of newspapers, magazines and articles.


And when I only have 30 seconds to answer the "Why?" question, this is what I tell them:I saw the opportunity to make history by breaking a speed record. I wanted to break down misconceptions about women, and as a triathlete, I wanted to test my physical and mental endurance while also experiencing as much of the world as possible. I wanted to inspire others and enhance the world we live in, and leave a positive legacy behind.

只用30秒来回答 “为什么”这个问题时,我这样回答:我看到可以打破纪录创造历史的机会,我想要破除那些对女人的误解。身为铁人三项运动员我也想测试我身体及心理的耐力,并且尽可能地体验更多的世界,我想要激励更多的人们让世界变得更好,留下一个正面的精神遗产。


  • 碎冰破壁铛啷响


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