【6分钟客舱英语】Luggage Delivery Service

【6分钟客舱英语】Luggage Delivery Service



<Luggage Delivery Service>

Hello and welcome to 6 Minute Cabin English. I am Jerry. As a flight attendant,you must be able to handle all kinds of problems. The baggage problem is the most common one. We have already talked about the baggage arrangement but it is something more than that. For example,it may occur the situation that luggage checked by the boarding gate. Probably you are familiar with that. In today’s programme I have something new for you. Tips:Try to make sure how it works and talk more to the ground staff.


Pay attention to how can the passenger get his luggage after checked at the boarding gate then try to answer the question.

What will the passenger probably do after disembarkation?

A. Wait for the luggage

B. Go to the baggage inquiries

C. Talk to the flight attendant

C:Good morning,sir. Welcome aboard.

P:Good morning. Here is my problem. The stuff just checked my luggage. Then he said something about it can not go with this flight.

C: Yes,sir. The luggage checked at the gate can not go with you in the same flight. It will be send in today’s next flight.

P:So I have to wait for that flight in the airport?

C:As I know,there is a way to solve it. Thanks to our destination is the Beijing Daxing International airport. There is Luggage Delivery Service . Your checked luggage can be send to you.

P:That is great. How can I do that?

C:You can go to the baggage inquires for more details about that,sir.

P:Okay.Thank you for the information.

To understand such a long dialogue, you need to clear about the vocabularies.

The use of Check sth in this dialogue means to leave bags or cases with an official to be put on a plane or train 托运(行李)

Delivery means  the act of taking goods, letters, etc. to the people they have been sent to 传送;递送;交付

Inquiry is an official process to find out the cause of sth or to find out information about sth 调查;查究;查问

Probably used to say that sth is likely to happen or to be true 几乎肯定;很可能;大概

We all know the new Beijing Daxing international airport has an advanced service and technology. You can get almost all you need there. Lets wish for the great development of our nation and maybe some day the convenience and new technology will cover every airport. God that’s a good day! See you next time in 6 Minute Cabin English and don’t have good day. Have A Great Day!

