


The highly anticipated Chinese war epic film The Battle at Lake Changjin about the Korean War (1950-53) debuted around the country on September 30. 


The film tells the story about how Chinese People's Volunteers (CPV) soldiers held their ground amid fierce cold and the enemy's more advanced weapons during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea (1950-53).影片讲述了抗美援朝战争(1950-53年)期间,中国人民志愿军士兵在严寒以及敌军先进武器的包围中,保家卫国的故事。

▲ A poster of the film the Battle at Lake Changjin shows in a cinema. Photo/VCG

However, the real battlefield is far more impressive than the scene in the film.


Changjin Lake (also known as the Chosin Reservoir by many) is located in North Korea. In November 1950, United Nations forces headed north to Yalu River, the border of China and North Korea, claiming to win the war by Christmas.


▲ Chinese People's Volunteers charging forward under enemy fire

The war was on in severely cold winter with temperature of around -40 C. CPV soldiers did not only need to fight against United Nations forces, but had to battle over the nature with their strong will.


Chinese People's Volunteer Army confronted with the US contingent stationed near the lake and won the battle by fighting against impossible odds. The Battle of Changjin Lake became a pivotal moment in 'the War Against US Aggression and Aid Korea'-the term used to refer to the Chinese participation in the Korean War.中国人民志愿军应朝鲜请求赴朝与朝鲜人民并肩作战,与驻扎在长津湖边的美国特遣队对峙,中国人民志愿军赢得了这场战斗,战胜了几乎不可能逾越的艰难险阻。长津湖战役成为抗美援朝战争的关键时刻。

In the battle of Changjin Lake, the Volunteer Army's 20 Army 59th Division 177th Regiment 6 Company was ordered to ambush sniper US Marine 1st Division. In order not to expose the target, they remained motionless in the ice and snow, and when the follow-up troops arrived, they found that all 125 officers and soldiers had frozen to death in the positions. They lay on their positions, holding rifles. Although they were frozen to the ground, they still in combat posture, as if ready to charge.


While sorting out the soldier's relics, a letter was found on Song Amao, a Shanghai-born soldier. "Snow and ice! I will never give in to you, even if I'll be frozen to death, I will be proud, towering in my position!"

Under such difficult conditions, the Volunteer Army's 27th Army 80th Division 239th Regiment 4 Company still destroyed the US 31st Regiment Combat Team ("Polar Bears"), killing Task Force Maclean, the famous head of the the US 31st Regiment Combat Team. This battle is called Xin Xingli battle in the battle of Changjin Lake.


According to Li Changyan, the "Xin Xingli combat model company commander", recalled, when they set up ambushes in the vast snow field for 6 days and 6 nights, the US military flares directly forced volunteer positions, soldiers ambushed while attacking, constantly updated the combat program, Volunteer Army first lied down, coverted, and then fought, and finally the soldiers destroyed the command post, to achieve the ultimate victory. At the time, the People's Volunteer Army used rifles, potatoes and snowballs, while US troops were equipped with tanks, planes and artillery.


In the Xin Xingli battle, the Volunteer Army's 27th Army 80th Division 239th Regiment 4 company killed more than 300 enemy, seized 12 howitzers, controlled the 300 meters long, 100 meters wide position, "Polar Bears" flag fell, "Xin Xingli fighting model company" battle flag fluttered forever.


It is not the film itself that makes people move, but the heroes of the war years who fought bloodily for our country and the people.


Song Zhongping, a military expert and TV commentator, emphasized that the film shows that the Chinese people don't provoke troubles, but never flinch when trouble comes their way and are able to defeat provocations.

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