《奥德赛》:起航吧 少年

《奥德赛》:起航吧 少年

  • 望雅书斋

    我知道 神II 分希腊神话和奥德赛两部分,但是奥德赛是在哪里更新呢?

    边走边听工作室 回复 @望雅书斋: 就在本专辑

  • 凯文_德式美好


  • 题目Tim


    阑浒 回复 @题目Tim: 94

  • 喵的耳朵L


  • 课代表甲小子

    特别喜欢这段话: 特勒马科斯,你不会庸碌,也不会愚蠢, 既然你已具有你父亲的那种豪勇精神, 他是个有言必行,有行必果之人, 你的航行也会成功,不会无成就。 除非你不是奥德修斯和佩涅洛佩的儿子, 那时我便不会期待你实现自己的心愿。 只有少数儿子长成如他们的父亲, 多数不及他们,少数比父辈更高强。 现在既然你不会庸碌,也不会愚蠢, 奥德修斯的智慧不会完全抛弃你, 因此你完全有希望完成那些事情。

  • love_TayTay


    1361615akrk 回复 @love_TayTay: But and the other one I will have for the rest of the week is fine with us too but we are not sure what to do for a while but I have a few minutes and I’ll let you know if you

  • 凯文_德式美好


  • 1361615akrk

    wee to go for the rest of the week I hope you have a great weekend love love miss love love baby hope you have a good night sleep love love sleep love and miss sleep good day sleep sleep love love sleep good day sleep sleep good day hope your sleep love love you too love love sleep good day love

  • 1361615akrk

    I’m sorry but you can’t sleep over it so I’m going home and bed right away from home I just got off my work I have to go to the bathroom now but I’m still going out to my nails now I just have my phone in bed I hope it gets out to you and I’ll let it get it out of my room if not I’m just not home

  • 1361615akrk

    You can have the day to day or day to get the kids out and get the rest of the day and go home to get a bed before bed bath or do you want a shower and go home to bed and bed bed and rest rest day sleep good day sleep sleep well love sleep good day sleep sleep love love sleep love and love sleep