(Level 3)-Day_19 Kings and Queens of England

(Level 3)-Day_19 Kings and Queens of England





1.monarchies 君主制

2.ceremonial figure 礼仪人物

3.constitutional 宪法的

4.democraticies 民主政体

5.barons 贵族

6.Magna Carta 大宪章

7.parliament 议会

8.abolish 废除

9.ongoing 进行中的


Kings and Queens of England

Todayin the early twenty-first centurymost countries no longer have kings and queens.

Howeversome countries have remained as monarchiesincluding England and its former colonies.

Howevereven in these countriesthe monarch is a ceremonial figure who no longer has any real power over his or her subjects.

These countries are called constitutional monarchies because they are democracies in which the monarch remained the official head of state.

Many years agothe kings and queens of England did have real powerbut gradually this power was transferred to people and their elected officials.

It is interesting to examine how this transition occurred.

Even in very early timesthe kings of England did not have absolute power.

He was the most powerful man in the countrybut he could not entirely force his will upon others.

If he became too demandinghe might face opposition from powerful local land-owners.

These mencalled the baronsmight resist a king who tried to become too strong.

This was exactly what happened in the year 1215.

The king of England had made many unreasonable demands upon the countryand the barons decided to resist.

They force the king to agree a list of rules that would limit his power.

These rules were written in a famous document called the Magna Carta.

This document described not only the rights of the baronsbut also of the people of England.

During the next few hundred yearsthe kings still had much power.

Howeverthe other peoplesuch as the landowners and the richer men of the townsalso had influence.

Their meetings became known as Parliamentand the king had to share power with the parliament.

During the 1640sone king tried to rule without parliamentand tried to take away the right of parliament.

This led to a civil warand the king was defeated.

England soon became a monarchy againbut it became clear that parliament would have more power than the king.

Until the twentieth  centurythe parliaments of England became more democraticas more and more people were allowed to vote.

TodayEngland still has a constitutional monarchy.

But not all English-speaking countries recognize the England queen.

For examplethe United States became an independent country over 200 years ago and has been a republic ever since.

In some countriesthere is debate about the future of the monarchy.

CanadaAustralia and New Zealand still recognize the queen of England as their own queen even though those countries are no longer governed by England.

Many people in those countries want to abolish the monarchy.

They believe that they countries should now have their own head of state.

On the other handsome people in those countries want to keep the monarchy it reminds them of their country's early history.

This is an ongoing topic of debate for CanadiansAustralians and New Zealanders.

  • 小燕爱花花


  • 1391618wumn

    On the other hand, some people in those countries want to keep the monarchy because it reminds them of their country's early history.这里的their country's是否应该是countries',还请指点,谢谢!

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  • 13507579tij

  • 爱听悬疑故事的向日葵

    又是打卡 的一天

  • 1391618wumn

    Today, in the early 20 onest century, most countries no longer have kings and queens. 这里是21st

  • Avrola


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  • 苏玥芊

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