(Level 3)-Day 2 Psychology

(Level 3)-Day 2 Psychology





1.conformity 从众

2.cognitive psychologists 认知心理学家

3.clinical psychologists 临床心理学家

4.ethologists 动物行为学

5.traits 特点

6.instincts 本能



Are you interested in the behavior of people and animals

If you arethen you might enjoy the study of psychology.

Psychology is the study of behaviorbut this is a very large area of study.

There are several different branches of psychologyeach of which studies a different aspect of behavior.

Social psychologists study interactions among people.

For examplea social psychologist might try to learn about the situations that cause people to behave aggressively.

Another question studies by social psychologists is why certain people become attracted to each other.

One of the interesting problems is in social psychology is conformitywhat cause people to behave in the same wayand to follow what others do and say

Cognitive psychologists study thinkingmemory and language.

One problem studied by cognitive psychologists is how people to remember numbers.

For examplewhat is the best way to memorize some numbers

Is it better to repeat the number to oneselfor to try to attach some meaning to these numbers

A cognitive psychologist might also study language.

For examplewhy can young children learn a second language so quickly and easily

Cognitive psychologists are also interested in the ways that people learn to solve problemssuch as finding a new place.

Clinical psychologists study mental illnesses.

For examplea clinical psychologists might try to find out the causes of depressionand to figure out the ways to help people who are depressed.

Other clinical psychologists might study the behavior of people who suffer from addiction to drugsso that this problems can be prevented and treated.

Another topic of interest to clinical psychologists is violent behavior.

It is very important to find ways of preventing violence and to change the behavior of persons who act violently.

Some psychologists are interested in the measurement of psychological characteristics.

For examplepsychologists might develop tests to excess a person's intelligencepersonality traitsor interests.

These tests can help people to make decisions about educationoccupation and clinical treatment.

Psychologists who study the behavior of animals are called ethologists.

Ethologists often go into wilderness areas to watch the activity of birdsfish or other animals.

These psychologists try to figure out why it is that some animals haveinstinctsfor various behaviors such as parentingmating or fighting.

Some ethologists have learned very much about the unusual behaviors observe in many animals.

These are only a few of the many areas of psychology.

Trulypsychology is one of the most interesting areas of knowledge

  • 13068537wqk

    E.g. psychologists might develop tests to excess a person's intelligence, personality, traits or interests. 这里的excess是否应该为asess呢?

    阿坑是个坑 回复 @13068537wqk: 已修改,感谢

  • 小燕爱花花


  • 月半福福

    a social psychologist might try to learn about the situation that cause people为situations少了s One of the interesting problems is in social少了in Cognitive psychologists study think,memory and language.是thinking is how people to remember numbers.少了to way to help people who are depressed. 是the ways

    阿坑是个坑 回复 @月半福福: 已修改

  • 11111111_6a


  • 听友278048216

    原文中的metal illnesses应该是mental illnesses吧

    阿坑是个坑 回复 @听友278048216: 已修改,谢谢

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