E04 【双语精讲】警校生活,证明自我

E04 【双语精讲】警校生活,证明自我




 “Aw jeez, that looks bad,” said Gareth, a sheep.

“Are you okay, Judy?” asked Sharla, the sheep the bullies had taken the tickets from.



Judy took a breath and pulled something out of her front pocket, smiling wide.

“Here you go!” she said, returning the tickets that Gideon had stolen.


“Wicked! You got our tickets!” said Sharla. “You’re awesome, Judy!” exclaimed Gareth.



“That Gideon Grey doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” Sharla added.


Judy slapped her police hat back on top of her head, and there was a look of determination in her eye. “Well, he was right about one thing: I don’t know when to quit.”


Fifteen years later, Judy Hopps worked her tail off in the Zootopia Police Academy. She was small compared to the rest of the cadets—who were mostly elephants, rhinos, and bison—but she was strong-willed.

十五年之后,朱迪·霍普斯在动物城警察学院竭尽全力地 学习。与其他学员相比——大部分是大象、犀牛和野牛——她的个头较小,但是她意志坚强。

Because of her size, the physical training was the toughest part. Cadets had to get through obstacles in simulators that mimicked all of the twelve unique ecosystems that made up the city of Zootopia.


From freezing Tundra town to sweltering Sahara Square, each ecosystem presented its own set of challenges—whether it was trying to scale an ice wall or survive in a scorching sandstorm.


Judy fell down more than anyone. In her mind she could hear the voices of her parents, her drill instructor, and Gideon Grey all doubting that there could ever be a bunny cop. And it was those voices that made Judy work harder than anyone else.

朱迪倒下去的次数比其他人都多。在她的心中,她能听到 很多人的声音,她父母的、操练教官的和吉丁·格雷的,所有 人都对兔子当警察表示怀疑。而就是这些声音使朱迪比其他任 何人都要努力。

Through persistence and perseverance, she managed to keep up and surprise everyone.

经过坚持不懈的奋斗,她成功地坚持了下来, 令所有人都大吃一惊。

In the final weeks of training, Judy used her bunny skills, like her strong legs and her great hearing, to help prove her worth.


She sailed through the physical obstacles and at times even passed the other cadets. Once, she knocked down a male rhino ten times her size during a final sparring session!


On graduation day, Judy took her place among the other graduates during the ceremony, including the rhino who sported a fat lip and a black eye.


The mayor, a lion named Leodore Lionheart, stepped up to the podium.



1.wicked adj. 太棒了!

2.cadet n. 警官学校的学员

3.strong-willed adj. 意志坚强的

Only the strong-willed ones could reach the destination.


4.mimic v. 模仿

5.scale v. 攀登(到顶峰)

scale the peak 登上峰顶

6.scorching adj. 灼热的; 激烈的

scorching desert 酷热的沙漠

scorching critique 猛烈的、猛烈的抨击


1.take a breath吸了一口气

take a deep breath 深呼吸

2.Here you go.  (把某个东西给某人的时)说的“给你”

3.Here we go.“要开始了哦。”

4.Someone doesn’t know what he or she is talking about.某人在信口开河,胡说八道

 You don’t know what you’re talking about. 你根本不知道自己在说什么。

5.a look of sth眼神中透露着什么或者什么样的一种神情

a look of satisfaction 眼神中都透露着满意

a look of surprise 惊讶的神情

6.   work one’s tail off工作十分刻苦,竭尽全力

They work their tails off in the factory. 他们在工厂里竭尽全力地工作。

7.sth presents its own set of challenges.某某展现出了它独有的挑战性

Surfing presents its own set of challenges. 冲浪非常具有挑战性。

8.surprise everyone惊艳所有人

9.prove someone’s worth证明某人的价值

I want to prove my own worth. 我想证明自己的价值。

  • 四尾龟


    Miss__D 回复 @四尾龟: 对呀

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  • 猫鱼YI7


    1397147chnc 回复 @猫鱼YI7: 我觉得尼克还行。

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