




The wild sounds of ancient predators echoed through a large barn in Bunnyburrow. A young bunny named Judy Hopps appeared on a makeshift stage, trying to find her way through a papier-mâché and cardboard jungle.


Judy’s voice rang out loud and clear. “Fear. Treachery. Bloodlust! Thousands of years ago, these were the forces that ruled our world. A world where prey were scared of predators. And predators had an uncontrollable desire to maim and maul and—”

朱迪那响亮而清晰的声音突然响起 :恐惧。背叛。血腥屠杀!几千年之前,这些暴力行为统治着我们这个世界 —— 一个猎物害怕食肉动物的世界,而食肉动物有着不可控制的欲望去残害、殴打和 —— ”

Suddenly, a jaguar leapt on her from the shadows! “Blood, blood, blood!” Judy screamed as she crumpled under the attack. “And death.”


After a long and drawn-out moment of terrible silence, Judy sat up, faced the confused audience, and smiled as she continued her monologue. A banner reading CARROT DAYS TALENT SHOW hung over the stunned crowd.


“Back then, the world was divided in two: vicious predator or meek prey.” Two cardboard boxes dropped down from the ceiling. The first, labeled vicious predator in crayon, landed on top of the jaguar, and the second, labeled meek prey, landed on Judy. The boxes settled on their shoulders so their heads, arms, and legs stuck out. “But over time, we evolved and moved beyond our primitive, savage ways.”

当时,整个世界被一分为二 :凶残的食肉动物和温顺的猎物。两个纸板箱从天花板上落了下来。一个用蜡笔写着凶残的食肉动物的纸板箱降落在美洲豹的上方,而另一个写着顺的猎物的纸板箱则落在了朱迪的头顶。这两个箱子最终停留在他们的肩头,所以他们的头、胳膊和腿都伸了出来。但是久而久之,我们进化了,摆脱了之前原始、野蛮的方式。

A young sheep wearing a white robe and a cardboard rainbow on his head did an improvisational dance across the stage. Judy and the jaguar burst out of their boxes, now wearing white robes, too. “Now predator and prey live in harmony.”


Judy and the jaguar, revealed as another friendly youngster, shook hands as the sheep sprinkled glitter on them. “And every young mammal has multitudinous opportunities,” Judy said.


“Yeah. I don’t have to cower in a herd anymore,”said the sheep. Then he ripped off his robe, revealing a homemade astronaut costume. “Instead, I can be an astronaut.”

对。我再也不用战战兢兢地躲在羊群里了。小绵羊说道。说完,他撕破身上的袍子,露出了自制的宇航服 :相反,我可以做宇航员。

“I don’t have to grow up to be a lonely hunter,”said the jaguar, showing a business suit under his robe.


“Today I can hunt for tax exemptions. I’m gonna be an actuary!”


“And no longer do I have to blindly serve the almighty carrot,” said Judy. “I can make the world a better place—saving lives, defending the defenseless! I am going to be...” Judy ripped off her robe and stood in a blue uniform. “A police officer!

我再也不用盲目地服务于万能的胡萝卜。朱迪说道,我要让世界变得更美好——拯救生命,保护弱者!我要当……”她一把扯掉袍子,身着蓝色制服站在那里,继续说道 :一名警官!


1.utopia n. 乌托邦

2.predator n. 肉食动物

3.makeshift adj. 凑合的,临时的

a makeshift road 一条临时道路

a makeshift hospital 一座临时搭建的医院

a makeshift game 一个即兴游戏

4.papier-mâché n. 混凝纸浆

5.cardboard n. 硬纸板

6.bloodlust n. 杀戮的欲望

7.maim v. 使残废或者受重伤

8.maul v. 袭击和撕咬

9.drawn-out adj. 持续很久的,拖长的。

drawn-out performance持久的演出

drawn-out dispute持久的争端

drawn-out moment of terrible silence观众持久的沉默

10.vicious adj. 凶残的

11.meek adj. 温顺的

12.cower v. 因为恐惧而蜷缩起来

13.actuary n.职业精算师


1.talent show 达人秀

2.live in harmony和谐相处

live in harmony with sb/sth ……和睦相处、和谐共处

3.lonely hunter 孤独的捕猎者

4.No longer do I have to do sth.我再也不用

  • 000652223


    Miss__D 回复 @000652223: 谢谢

  • 正值弱冠之年


    听友216608398 回复 @正值弱冠之年:

  • 我在外面玩手机玩游戏

  • 十里长亭雨霖铃


    夜之城市 回复 @十里长亭雨霖铃: 我也很喜欢呢(^ω^)

  • 可爱宝贝婷婷


    Miss__D 回复 @可爱宝贝婷婷:

  • 听友120599002

    Ttttt is the one who wants it for me and the one that has a big house in my car so we will be able and will see if I could go with the girls to get the one and I can do that for sure but if you want to go to the beach then we will have a good day and go back to the beach house for the day dDXXDDD CN

    听友240880629 回复 @听友120599002: ????

  • 听友303603565


    听友240880629 回复 @听友303603565: 不知道

  • 1895804zrib


  • 吴优0903


  • 剑魄秦星
