第四和五步:Wrap it Up & Keep in Touch - 优雅结束对话的黄金四步

第四和五步:Wrap it Up & Keep in Touch - 优雅结束对话的黄金四步


The Four Steps of “Wrap it Up:”

1. First, leave for a reason.

2. Second, give a compliment.

3. Third, set the hook.

4. Last, say goodbye!

First: leave for a reason.

When you want the conversation to end, the easy and polite way to do it is to give a reason.

“Well, this is my stop.”

“I have to get off here.”

“I should get going, or I will be late.”

“I’m about to be late for class.”

“I need to get to a meeting.”

“Well, I won’t bother you anymore. I’ll let you get back to your work.”

“Well, I won’t bother youanymore. I’ll let you keep reading.”

“Well, I need to go.”

Second: give a compliment.

We can build a personal connection with the other person by giving a compliment.

“I really enjoyed talking about books with you. “

“I enjoyed learning about your country.”

“I had a good time hearing about your job.”

“I really enjoyed talking with you.”

“I really enjoyed meeting you.”

“Well, I’ve got to go. I enjoyed talking with you!”

Third: set the hook.

“Set the Hook” means make a real plan to meet again in the future. The plan should come from the other person’s hot spot.

“Do you want to play basketball this weekend?”

“I would love to talk more with you about books. Could I get you a coffee tomorrow?”

“I’d love to continue the conversation sometime.”

After you set the Hook, you have a reason to ask for their contact info. Just say,

“So, could I have your number?”

“Could I have your WeChat?”

Fourth: say goodbye.


“See you later!”

“Have a good day!”

“Have a good one!”

Example conversation:

A: Hey, I’ve gotta go to class now.

B: Oh, ok.

A: I’ve really enjoyed talking with you.

B: Me, too! 

A: If you want, I can show you a great English bookstore downtown thisweekend.

B: That sounds great!

A: Cool. So, how should we keep in touch?

B: Here, this is my WeChat number.

A: Got it. OK, see you this weekend! Bye!

B: Bye!

Keep in Touch

The best way to Keep in Touch isto send a follow up message. It’s best if you send it on the same day.  

“It was nice to meet you today, Michelle! I’m looking forward to showing you the great Chongqing hot-pot restaurant this weekend.”

“Hi, Jason! It was nice meeting you today. I enjoyed talking about Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus with you. See you next Friday at Starbucks.”

有个老外 ,常年被撩,你的套路他都知道




1.   想上去交流,却不知道说什么好
2.   让老外眼前一亮的破冰法则--NCA
3.   破解“尬聊”,先找“hot spot”
4.   优雅结束对话的黄金四步
5.   撩老外的三大误区 + 生活方式理论 
6.   话题红绿灯之红灯-这些话题千万不要聊

7 .  话题红绿灯之绿灯-这些话题很安全1
8.   话题红绿灯之绿灯-这些话题很安全2
9.   话题红绿灯之黄灯-这些话题老外一天可能会被问100次
10. 最新热门话题

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