第三集 The Bremen Town Musicians 不来梅镇的乐师

第三集 The Bremen Town Musicians 不来梅镇的乐师

  • 猫小喵格格

  • 秋爽闲吟

    答案:1B 2A

  • 秋爽闲吟

    The donkey put his two front legs on the window-ledge.The hound jumped on the donkey, and the cat was on the head of the hound. Finally the cock flew up to the cat. They screamed together. The robber thought they were ghosts and he ran to the Forest.

  • 秋爽闲吟

    On the way he met a hound who could play the drum,a cat who could play the serenade, and a cock who could sing.They all decided to go to Bremen Town and be musicians. In the evening, they wanted to sleep in a robber’s house,so they planned to drive the rubber away.

  • 秋爽闲吟

    The Bremen Town Musicians A man decided to kill an old donkey.The donkey escaped when he heard the news.He heard that Bremen Town was a good place.So he wanted to be a musician in Bremen. He could play the piano.