喜欢这一期~ 赶上一波新鲜热乎的~
英语主播璐璐 回复 @DIE01:
Thanks to Lulu & James! Although James said there is a lot of similarities between CAN and USA, the relationship of them is, how to say, indicate. CAN is a new-born and English speaking country, like USA. The British and French colonized them. But CAN didn’t follow USA and declare her independence in 1775. Those who supported UK immigrated from the USE to CAN. USA invaded CAN twice in history. After World War II, with the FVEY(五眼同盟)’s establishment, CAN became a company of USA. They signed the Free Trade Agreement(美加自由贸易协定). Now CAN is Highly dependent on USA economically.
iCyclone 回复 @iCyclone: If you know their history, you can understand a lot of what CAN does, I think.
superfly嘛 我没听错吗哈哈哈
荞麦粥粥 回复 @叶子粥: Super polite
我在温哥华生活过多年,其实并没有感觉到医疗有多么慢,因为身体原因有两三年总是去看医生,一般毛病去walking-in clinic,急病去emergency,这两个二三小时内一般就能看到医生。如果病情较复杂但不紧急要转去看specialist,这个会等一两周以上。但我现在在上海预约一个专家有时候比这个还要久。我觉得速度真的不像想象的这么慢,关键是检查项目不是你想做就能做。要医生评估,觉得有必要才能做,这个比较讨厌,毕竟不要钱,他们怕浪费吧。为了做到自己想做的项目,有时候只能把病情说的严重一些。总体来说,我在加拿大的医疗体验还是挺好的。
哈哈羡慕生活在美加边境的人,占尽两头好处 I'm jealous of them too😂