

  • 爱找茬儿

    They ,a lot of cute kids,are singing songs Little stars and Two tigers which keep popular with Chinese kids because they will take part in a singing comptation out of classroom who come from many primaries in Beijing when we ,a sea of youngsters with a dream are having a class on the Internite.

  • 爱找茬儿

    English,a useful communicating to, is important in our dayly life.

  • 爱找茬儿

    I ,a teacher,liked him whose singing sounds touching when I heard one of his songs named Long time no see .

  • 爱找茬儿

    主句的谓语动词,主谓之间的可能是定语,同位语,状语,主语前面是空的是状语,谓语有时态语态,宾语后面可能是定语,同位语,状语, 长难句的模样

  • 爱找茬儿

    My mother is a lady of elegace. My mother is as beautiful as a rose. My mother is a lady proving elegant. My mother is a lady who proves elegant. He killed his wife Cruelly. As cruelly as a beast ,he kiiled his wife. He dismembering a body,killed his wife. H killed his wife when he 肢解了body.