【第一章】E04 精讲版 | 举止优雅的母亲

【第一章】E04 精讲版 | 举止优雅的母亲



Permanently. The word echoed in Joe’s mind for the rest of the morning. He knew he should be happy. He’d barely been scraping by on his part-time salary. This job would change all that.


But his position at M.S. 74 was only supposed to be temporary, just something to keep him afloat until he got his big break. The only thing Joe wanted was to play great music—and not just for a bunch of half-awake middle schoolers.

但他在 M.S.74 的职位本来纯属临时性质,目的只是维持基本生活,直到大展身手的机会降临。乔唯一想做的就是演奏美妙的音乐,而且不仅仅是为一群半睡半醒的中学生演奏。

When class let out that day, Joe still felt uncertain. He decided to go see his mother. Maybe she would have some words of advice. Not to mention that he had laundry to do.


Libba Gardner owned a small tailoring shop in Queens, New York. She was a tall, elegant woman in her sixties with cropped white hair and a no-nonsense attitude. As Joe folded his laundry, he filled her in on the job offer.


“After all these years, my prayers have been answered! A full-time job!” she said, clasping her hands together.


“Yeah,” Joe said heavily.


His mother fixed him with a stern look. “You’re going to tell them yes, right?”


“Don’t worry, Mom,” Joe said. “I’ve got a plan.” 


Libba’s lips pursed like she’d sucked on a lemon. “You’ve always got a plan. Maybe you need to have a backup plan, too, for when your plan falls through.”


Joe didn’t know why he felt so stunned. She’d never supported his career choices. Why had he thought this time would be any different?


Libba sighed. “Joey,” she said in a softer voice, “we didn’t struggle giving you an education just so you could be a middle-aged man washing your underwear in my shop.”


“Yeah. But, Mom—” Joe began.


Libba cut him off. “With this job, you’ll finally be able to put that dead-end gigging behind you.”


“Yeah, but ...”

“ 是 的 , 但 是 ……” 

“And just think,” Libba went on, “playing music will finally be your real career. So you’re going to tell them yes, right ?”



echo  v.〔声音〕回响,发出回声  

scrape by  勉强维持生活,勉强糊口

be supposed to be XX  本应[本该]是...

keep (sb/sth) afloat 经济上周转得开的;不欠债的;维持基本生活的

break n.〔意想不到的〕机会,机遇

the only thing sb want(s) is to do...   某人唯一想做的就是...  

The only thing I want is to have some peace.  我只是想安静一下。 

a bunch of XX = a group of XX  一群

half-awake adj. 半睡半醒的

let out  放学;散场

What time does the movie let out?  电影什么时候散场?

go see=go and see,去看看

Let's go see the dance. 我们去看舞会吧。 

a word of advice / some words of advice 建议

not to mention XX  更不用说XX了 

The weather here is gorgeous, not to mention the wonderful food. 这里的天气很棒,更不用说美味的食物了。

do the laundry 洗衣服 

elegant adj. 高雅的,优美的

in one's sixties 六十多岁(指的是 60-69岁之间)

sixties也可以换成twenties/thirties,表示:在二十多岁/三十多岁... 等等。

cropped white hair 一头白发剪得很短

no-nonsense /ˌnəʊˈnɒns əns◂/ adj. 爽快的、麻利的、直截了当的

fill sb in on sth 向…提供最新消息/情况,告诉个人一些事情(内幕、消息等),让对方可以对一些事情的情况有些了解。 

I think you'd better fill me in on what's been happening. 我想你最好还是告诉我发生了什么。

one's prayers are/were answered 祷告应验了/祈祷如愿以偿了

heavily adv. 缓慢而忧郁地;悲伤地

fix sb with a XX stare/glare/look 用XX的眼神盯着某人

He fixed me with an icy stare/look. 他冷冷地盯着我。 

sb look(s) as if XX just sucked on a lemon  ... 看起来就好像刚吸了一口柠檬(表达一个人生气愤怒)

a backup plan 备用计划,后备方案;

fall through 〔协议、计划等〕失败,告吹落空;失败;成为泡影;

stunned adj.〔因惊讶、震惊而〕说不出话来的;惊呆了。

He looked completely stunned. 他看上去完全惊呆了。

give/provide an education 提供教育

a middle-aged man 中年人

cut sb off  打断某人

dead-end gigging 没有前途的演出

put sth behind sb  抛诸脑后

  • 圆渣渣Pristine


  • Alysha51

    人生不如意事十之八九 他的经历也和我的有些许相似之处 终究要经历一番才能够领悟人生的意义 依然乐观积极的面对每一天

    香奈儿包的主人 回复 @1363384ahlw: 该不会是他们有群吧?

  • 听友379600724


  • 听友379600724

  • 听友379600724


  • 香奈儿包的主人


  • turbooo


  • 磕来耳


  • 1363384ahlw


    格桑花forever66 回复 @1363384ahlw: 建议买原版书直接在书上记笔记

  • 1363384ahlw
