The Age of Innocence K

The Age of Innocence K

  • Saroja

    得了亨利詹姆斯的真经 遮遮掩掩 捅不破 破了就不好玩了

  • 雪兔子Mary

    "The day was fading into a soft, sun-shot haze, pricked here and there by a yellow electric light, and passers were rare in the little square into which they had turned."

  • 雪兔子Mary

    "Perhaps she, too, had kept her memory of him as something apart; but if she had, it must have been like a relic in a small, dim chapel, where there was not time to pray everyday."

  • 雪兔子Mary

    "And she had spent the long interval among people he did not know, in a society he but faintly guessed at, in conditions he would never wholly understand. During that time he had been living with his youthful memory of her, but she had doubtless had other and more tangeble companionship."

  • 雪兔子Mary

    "Archer had not seen Monsieur Riviere or heard of him for nearly 30 years, and that fact gave the measure of his ignorance of Madame Olenska's existence. More than half a lifetime divided them."

  • 雪兔子Mary

    "For such summer dreams it was too late, but surely not for a quiet harvest of friendship, of comradship in the blessed hush of her nearness."

  • 雪兔子Mary

    "For an hour or more he wandered from gallary to gallary through the dazzle of afternoon light, and one by one the pictures burst on him in their half-forgotton splendour, filling his soul with the long echos of beauty. After all, his life had been too starved."

  • 雪兔子Mary

    "A few streets away, a few hours away, Ellen Olenska waited. She had never gone back to her husband and when he had died some years before she had made no change in her way of living. There was nothing now to keep her and Archer apart. And that afternoon he was to see her."

  • 雪兔子Mary

    "After a little while he did not regret Dallas' indiscretion. It seemed to take an iron band from his heart to know that, after all, someone had guessed and pitied. And that it should have been his wife moved him indescribably."

  • 雪兔子Mary

    "He had to deal all at once with the packed regrets and stifled memories of an inarticulate lifetime."