【E05】Chapter 2-1:另一名“奇怪”的海怪少年

【E05】Chapter 2-1:另一名“奇怪”的海怪少年


CHAPTER2 第2章-1

Luca swam back to the fields, his herding crook in hand, and picked up the shiny wrench he had spotted earlier. He held it in both hands and sighed. Then he noticed something shining in the distance. Swimming toward it, Luca saw a drinking glass. 

He picked up the glass and brought it to his face. Turning it around, he looked through the bottom, which magnified everything in the distance. 

Then he gasped when he saw something else! Swimming as fast as he could, Luca finally reached it. It was a wooden box with a large metal horn sticking out of the top. This was what land monsters called a gramophone, although Luca didn’t know it.




As he got closer to the gramophone, Luca was unaware that something was watching him. 

Something wearing a diving suit and carrying a harpoon. 

A diver! 

The diver was only a few feet away when Luca suddenly turned around, saw the figure, and screamed. 

He swam away from the diver, slammed into a rock, and dropped his herding crook. 

“Boo,” the diver said, taking off his helmet. Luca was shocked to see that underneath, it was just another sea monster—a kid who looked to be around his age. “It’s fine,” the sea monster said. “I’m not human.”






“嘘。”潜水员边说边摘下头盔。卢卡惊讶地发现,头盔之下 不过是另一个海怪而已—一个看起来和他差不多大的孩子。“没事的,”海怪说,“我不是人类。

“Oh!” Luca said, laughing nervously. “Thank goodness.”

“Here, hold this,” the other boy said, handing the harpoon to Luca.

“Uh . . . ” Luca said, uncomfortable about holding the weapon. He watched as the other boy squirmed out of the diving suit and began to pick up the human items from the seafloor, including the gramophone. 

“Do you . . . live around here?” “Down here? No, no, no, no, no,” said the boy. “I just came for my stuff.”





Luca watched as the boy picked up Luca’s herding crook and swam off. 

“Hey! Wait! That’s mine!” Luca said, swimming after him. “Sir? You forgot your harpoon, and—” 

“Oh, yeah. Thanks,” the boy replied, and took the harpoon. Then he exited the water with his armful of stuff, including Luca’s herding crook. 

Luca was stunned. He couldn’t believe the boy had just left the water!

A second later, the crook broke the surface of the water and hooked Luca. He struggled against it, but he was pulled out of the water and onto the sand!






Luca’s hand felt weird out of the water. He looked down as it started to transform. His blue scales were disappearing! Luca screamed and flopped back toward the sea. 

“First time?” the boy asked. 

“Of course it is!” Luca shouted. “I’m a good kid!” 

“Hey,” the boy said. “Relax and breathe.” 

Luca did his best to listen. He breathed, looking around. He saw the bright sky above, and the trees and grass dotting the landscape. He had always wondered about the world above the water. Now he was finally seeing it for himself. 

“Well?” the boy asked. “Isn’t it great?”







“Uh, no!” Luca answered. “It’s bad, and . . . and I’m not supposed to be up here. Good day.” 

Then Luca raced back into the water.

The boy noticed that Luca had forgotten his herding crook. He picked it up. A moment later, Luca returned, taking the hook. 

“Thank you,” he said, and walked away. 

He came back one more time. 

“Good day,” he said politely. “Again.” 

Then Luca disappeared beneath the water. 








  • 思嘉班竹的有声世界


  • _Jack_9
